Žan Perko


Antigone, How Dare We!
Based on motifs from The Triple Life of Antigone by Slavoj Žižek, this film reflects on today’s planet and political “chaos” by placing the politicians, the decision-makers and the influencers of today in the roles of Žižek’s version of the ancient Greek drama Antigone. But what are the politicians roles? Does the Antigone of today represent populists, anti-migrants and fundamentalists, or those who would oppose them?
Robbed Soul
Max, a lonely thief, gets to know the victim of his bicycle theft, Mič.
Glavni junak je Piksi. Med počitnicami v kleti najde bratove kasete in tri dni posluša posnetke rocka, kar mu spremeni življenje. Odloči se, da bo ustanovil svoj punk rock bend. V njem so Piksi (električna kitara), Pejo (bas kitara), Sani (bobni) in Edi (vokal). Najprej so se imenovali Avtsajders, nato pa Ilegalci. Njihov idol pa je Johny Thunders. Piksi ima očeta, ki ves čas poležava pred televi