Rosario Minardi

Rosario Minardi


Rosario Minardi


Dreams Washed Out
Henry, Aimée, Mei-Li, are in Catania, Sicily. Henry, a painter, lost is creativity and traveled the world. At 50 years he is not at ease in Sicily. Aimée, comes from the UK. Henry hopes to find his lost creativity and love, but she has different expectations. Mei-Li, 25 years old, from Shenyang China, ends up in Sicily, following an erratic path. Exotic, attractive, and daring she becomes temptation for many. Henry saves her from a rape attempt: they begin to get close. Henry seeks a drastic life change but feels trapped, unable to decide. He wants to resume travelling, he wants to paint, love and a new life. He acts to fulfill his personal needs unable to discern and share other people's necessities. All the characters in this story slide through time. Present, past and future all melt with memories and personal desires: chasing uncertain dreams they go on until, they will separately leave Catania, destination unknown, following their incompatible dreams.
Em Guerra por Amor
Lucky Luciano
Na Nova York de 1943, Arturo (Pif) quer se casar com Flora (Miriam Leone), mas para isso ele deve viajar até um vilarejo da Sicília a fim de conhecer seu sogro e pedir por sua aprovação no matrimônio. Porém, mediante a 2ª Guerra Mundial em voga, o jovem só conseguirá chegar a Itália de uma maneira: alistando-se no exército americano.