Silvia Munguia

Silvia Munguia


Silvia Munguia


God Willing
The son of an atheist, authoritarian father, believed to be liberal, wants to become a priest.
A Primeira Vez da Minha Filha
Alberto (Riccardo Rossi) is a local doctor, neat freak, separated by ten years and totally dedicated - emotionally and emotionally - to old daughter, Bianca (Benedetta Gargari). A day like all the others of his life completely organized, methodical and tidy, comes a bolt from the blue: the law of the hidden diary of Bianca that his little girl is going to make love for the first time! Alberto is in a panic, had not imagined it could get that day for her daughter: the angel of his life ...
A Grande Beleza
Vencedor do Oscar de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro, este conto à la Fellini de decadência e amor perdido encontra um jornalista envelhecido na Itália relembrando seus dias em meio à exuberante vida noturna de Roma após seu 65º aniversário.