Frieda Einstoss
Max, an angel in exile, walks around the United States to help humans. In a small town in Maine, he meets a young woman without a family named Sally. As she struggles to get custody of her younger brother, Max immediately believes that his new mission is to help Sally. But Jo, a strict angel, is sent to explain to his colleague that this is not exactly what is expected of him. Indeed, Max's mission is not to help Sally, but Karl, the manager of a small factory of Christmas decorations. His business is barely surviving because its traditional products do not meet the success of yesteryear. First bored, Max notices that Karl knows Sally ...
Nemerov's Wife
A Guerra Fria americana é revivida, depois que o presidente da Rússia morre e é sucedido por um homem de passado obscuro. Mas as tensões Ocidente-Oriente vêm à tona, quando a CIA suspeita que cientistas russos renegados estão desenvolvendo mais armas nucleares. Acionado pelo diretor William Cabot, Jack Ryan percorre uma trilha perigosa até uma chocante conclusão: terroristas planejam provocar a guerra, detonando uma bomba nuclear durante um jogo do campeonato de futebol.