Executive Producer
Um fora da lei tenta acabar com sua linha familiar maligna.
Executive Producer
A group of film students investigate an abandoned lab and discover a lethal virus that renders people incapable of lying before they die.
Na esperança de botar as mãos em um famoso diamante conhecido como a Pedra Codix, o fanfarrão Jack Wells junta-se a um grupo de arqueólogos para explorar uma tumba recentemente descoberta no Egito, a tumba do amaldiçoado rei Neferu. Quando de repente a múmia do rei retorna dos mortos, Jack irá enfrentar a experiência mais aterrorizante de sua vida.
RADIO SILENCE A select team of U.S. Army Special Forces Soldiers are sent on a mission to retrieve pieces of a downed U.S. spy satellite from a remote desert region of northern, Mexico. They are excepting a routine, even boring on a mission, asking only "on a Sunday, sir?". What they encounter is the sudden loss of half their team, their Mexican escorts and nearly all of their equipment. They are forced to retreat on foot and spend a long night hiding in a local restaurant trying to understand what they are up against and how to survive with no gear, no support and no time. —Troy Scoughton, Sr.
RADIO SILENCE A select team of U.S. Army Special Forces Soldiers are sent on a mission to retrieve pieces of a downed U.S. spy satellite from a remote desert region of northern, Mexico. They are excepting a routine, even boring on a mission, asking only "on a Sunday, sir?". What they encounter is the sudden loss of half their team, their Mexican escorts and nearly all of their equipment. They are forced to retreat on foot and spend a long night hiding in a local restaurant trying to understand what they are up against and how to survive with no gear, no support and no time. —Troy Scoughton, Sr.