Matthew Hanson


Untitled (Vampire)
Set Designer
Peter Wächtler's silent film "Untitled (Vampire)" is a mesmerising portrait of a solipsistic vampire and the secluded life he leads in a castle high in the mountains. In his diaristic accounts, existentialism meets the small comforts of consumption culture in the most bizarre yet plausible manners.
Untitled (Vampire)
Peter Wächtler's silent film "Untitled (Vampire)" is a mesmerising portrait of a solipsistic vampire and the secluded life he leads in a castle high in the mountains. In his diaristic accounts, existentialism meets the small comforts of consumption culture in the most bizarre yet plausible manners.
The Last Photograph
First Assistant Director
A random act of theft has put Tom Hammond's life into a tailspin. Stolen from his bookshop is Tom's most treasured possession, a photograph of him with his son Luke...their last moment of shared happiness. The Last Photograph is set between London in 2002, and a dark night in 1988 when Pan Am 103 was blown out of the sky over Lockerbie.
First Assistant Director
Prodígio da matemática, o jovem Nathan luta com as pessoas, mas encontra conforto nos números. Quando Nathan ganha um lugar na Olimpíada de Matemática, ele desenvolve sentimentos estranhos pela bela chinesa Zhang Mei. Em última análise, esta é a viagem de Nathan para descobrir a experiência insondável do primeiro amor.
Ginger & Rosa
First Assistant Director
Ginger e Rosa são amigas inseparáveis a crescer nos anos 60 em Londres. Ambas sonham com uma vida melhor que a de suas mães. A maneira como atravessam a ameaça da Guerra Fria e a revolução sexual da época, vai redefinir o seu relacionamento.
First Assistant Director
Após testemunhar um ataque violento, a vida de uma jovem inglesa é transformada e seu mundo começa a parecer cada vez mais estranho. Ela enfrenta o desconhecido e o medo, vendo a inocência da infância ir embora, com o apoio de Rick, um rapaz doce e sofrido.
Second Assistant Director
Chancer John lives for playing the odds - and he's always willing to take a calculated risk. But when he meets the mysterious and beautiful female bookie Stan, he discovers there's much more to gambling than just greyhounds and horses. Lured by her huge payoffs, John finds himself sucked into a surreal and dangerous word ruled by money, power and control. The question is how far will John go for the ultimate last big win?
Passado Obscuro
First Assistant Director
Cassie Nolan tem um segredo terrível. Há algum tempo, ela assassinou e enterrou seu marido, depois de descobrir que ele vinha assediando uma de suas filhas. Agora, ela cuida da fazenda da família sozinha, luta para se salvar da ruína financeira e para manter seu lar. Um dia, um homem cheio de charme, chega ao lugar, decidido a conquistar uma família já prontinha para si... e, é claro, escolheu a de Cassie!
Chat: A Sala Negra
Second Assistant Director
William é um jovem de 17 anos que resolve criar um chat para adolescentes de sua idade. Lá, eles podem conversar sobre traumas, problemas e frustrações. Mas o que esses jovens não sabem é que William pode estar manipulando todos eles, e o resultado pode ser fatal.
Terceira Estrela
First Assistant Director
James and his three closest lifelong friends go on an ill-advised trip to the stunning coastal area of Barafundle Bay in West Wales. What follows is a touching and comical adventure dealing with friendship, heroism and love.
Água Benta
Second Assistant Director
O vilarejo de Kilcoulins Leap já foi uma próspera cidade termal e abrigava um famoso Poço Sagrado, mas agora oferece pouco emprego para seu povo, e seu declínio parece inexorável. Quando o Postie local, Podger Byrnes, apresenta um plano para sequestrar uma remessa de Viagra e vendê-lo no mercado aberto em Amsterdã, seus amigos ficam desesperados o suficiente para tentar.
Second Assistant Director
A detailed and compelling portrait of one of the most formidable characters in British politics as she faces her final days in power. The year is 1990 and Margaret Thatcher's support within the government is wavering - her hold on the premiership hangs in the balance. Then, long-serving politician Sir Geoffrey Howe resigns over Thatcher's attitude to Europe. His resignation speech sparks a chain of events that leads to the overthrow of Britain's first woman prime minister. This modern dramatic tragedy illustrates the strengths and fatal flaws of this iconic woman more clearly than ever before and reveals how the very aspects of her character that helped her secure power are the ones that ensured her downfall. Drama starring Lindsay Duncan.
Second Assistant Director
Durante o ano de 1981, ocorreu um dos mais violentos motins no presídio Maze Prison, na Irlanda do Norte. O evento ganhou proporções alarmantes e no epicentro da rebelião estava o prisioneiro Bobby Sands (Michael Fassbender) que, disposto a levar a mente e o corpo aos limites da capacidade humana, inicia uma greve de fome.
Um Nome na Lista
Second Assistant Director
O genial cineasta Orson Welles está em Roma para trabalhar como ator. Endeusado por todos, ele é um homem em crise, que acaba de terminar o casamento com Rita Hayworth. Apaixonado por histórias de suspense, Welles ouve a última palavra de um intérprete que acaba de ser assassinado: Nero. Acompanhado de seu motorista Tommaso, o diretor de “Cidadão Kane” começa a investigar aquela morte. Nas ruas, vielas e lugares muito perigosos da capital da Itália, os dois nem desconfiam que perigo que estão correndo. Querem descobrir quem é o assassino.
I'll Be There
Third Assistant Director
A comedy about a has-been rock star (Craig Ferguson) that discovers he has a teenage daughter (Charlotte Church), from a long forgotten love affair.
Before You Go
Third Assistant Director
The funny, heart-warming and moving new film, from director Lewis Gilbert. When Violet Heaney's three daughters return home for her funeral, each sister finds her own way of coping with her loss. For Teresa, the eldest, it's herbal tea, obsessive cleaning and hectoring her long-suffering husband, Frank. Catherine, the youngest, resorts to retail therapy, industrial quantities of marijuana and manic phone calls to her elusive boyfriend in Barcelona. Middle daughter Mary seeks consolation in professional detachment and the arms of her lover, Mike. Like Mary, Mike's a doctor. Unlike Mary, he's married... The sisters soon discover that their early memories have grown fuzzy over time and the past becomes fuzzier still as they attempt to cope with their mother's parting.
A Lump In My Throat
Third Assistant Director
Docudrama about the life of John Diamond - Author, jounalist and husband of food writer Nigella Lawson. Who wrote about the 'Stuff of life' in his weekly column in the Times. He then was diagnosed with cancer and this then became the backdrop to his writings. This programme was adapted fom the stage play by his friend Victoria Coren about his life and writings.
Third Assistant Director
Since A.D. 50, a mysterious sacred artifact known as the Loculus has been at the center of a bloody clandestine war. Missing for a few hundred years, the puzzling relic has suddenly reappeared in the present day, bringing with it a terrible secret that could spell doom for all of mankind. Now it's up to Magnus Martel to subvert a murderous secret society and uncover the truth behind the ancient treasure.