Shadi lives in a horse-farm with his disabled and strict father, and with his beloved aging horse, Rosa. The status-quo of their daily farm life is broken when Noa arrives at the farm with her mother for the weekend, and Shadi discovers his father's intentions to kill Rosa.
Tamar Gera
Salma é uma viúva palestina e ganha a vida com os limoeiros que tem no quintal. Quando menos espera o ministro da defesa de Israel se torna seu vizinho, e os agentes que fazem sua segurança declaram que os limoeiros são um perigo pois dificultam sua patrulha. A Força de Segurança ordena que os limoeiros sejam cortados, mas Salma leva o caso à Suprema Corte israelense.
Through a mosaic of stories intertwined and created a current picture of the sad social and economic situation in Israel. Mother forced into prostitution to support her son; Blind man must survive after loosing his dog; Son is looking for his rocker father's; Apartment owner complicates his life while entering the underworld...