Rick Patton


Um Maluco no Golfe
Sound Mixer
Happy Gilmore quer ser um jogador profissional de hóquei, mas acaba descobrindo que tem um talento muito especial para jogar golfe. O satírico e desbocado atleta acaba ganhando dinheiro suficiente para poder ajudar a sua avó, que está prestes a perder a casa por falta de pagamento de impostos. O problema é que esse maluco se torna um herói improvável para o esporte, o que desagrada bastante os golfistas, tão educados e elegantes.
Uma Nova Tocaia
Sound Mixer
Dois detetives de Seattle, Chris Lecce (Richard Dreyfuss) e Bill Reimers (Emilio Estevez), se unem para preparar uma nova emboscada. Só que agora eles vão contar com a difícil nova companheira Gina Garret (Rosie O'Donnell), que ainda traz seu atrapalhado cachorro Archie. Juntos eles têm que fingir que são uma família perfeita e feliz, só que com tantas diferenças entre eles, os três têm que se preocupar em não matar uns aos outros antes de conseguirem pegar os suspeitos.
Alta Tensão
Sound Designer
Há quinze anos, Rick Jarmin (Mel Gibson) está no Programa de Proteção de Testemunhas por ter ajudado a condenar Eugene Sorenson (David Carradine), um traficante de drogas que agora recebeu liberdade condicional. Paralelamente, Marianne Graves (Goldie Hawn), a ex-noiva de Rick, que acreditava que ele tinha morrido em um desastre de avião o reconhece trabalhando em um posto de gasolina. Rick inicialmente nega ser o ex-noivo, mas como foi identificado quer ser remanejado e Joe Weyburn (Stephen Tobolowsky), um agente do FBI diz que agora está cuidando do seu caso, mas na verdade está trabalhando para Sorenson e Albert Diggs (Bill Duke), um cúmplice que corre o risco de ser preso. Quando Rick é quase morto por Sorenson e Diggsé salvo por Marianne, que se envolve nesta caçada na qual ela e Rick são as presas.
Island Journal
After the turbulent 60s Patton embraced the back-to-the-land movement. As presaged in his earlier film, Blue Mountain, he was drawn to a simpler rural life, close to nature. In 1969 he threw in with a group of people to form the Jones Farm on Quadra Island in British Columbia. He lived in a small cabin with no electricity or running water for 3 years. He supported himself as a welder and carpenter. These were good times. During this period basically gave up filmmaking, yet he still managed to shoot bits and pieces of the landscape and characters around him. This footage sat in a box for several years. He moved to Vancouver in 1974 to resume his filmmaking career, In 1976 he returned to Quadra Island with better gear and enough film stock to shoot additional footage. The result is a quirky personal journal in documentary form.
Night of Samhain
Night of Samhain is a humorous look at Halloween, the holiday with no redeeming social value. A holiday that values outrageous behaviour. A holiday that has been a thorn in the side of organized religion for centuries and one that many wish would disappear.
This is a film made without a camera. The images are painted directly onto 16mm clear leader. Patton was particularly interested in the organic shapes that resulted from mixing chemically dissimilar spray paints.
Blue Mountain
Patton reflects on his inner city life in psychedelic San Francisco, contrasting that with his attraction to solitude and remote mountain landscapes. An underlying Buddhist perspective attempts to mediate these very different realities.
Time Portrait
This is Rick Patton’s first film, made when he was a student at Antioch college. The stylistic premise was that the film would be a self-portrait, like a still photograph, that changed and grew through time. It is not a story, but it does revolve around a love affair gone wrong and a broken heart. Patton did not show this film for 40 years. He found it embarrassing. Now in his 60s, he is OK with it. All filmmakers have a first film.
At Mideke
A montage from the films of Michael Mideke.