Celeste Alves


Searching Nafta
Production Manager
Shooting on 16mm film in Mozambique, director Ico Costa explores the textures of human behaviour as he follows young men who wonder what lies beyond their immediate surroundings. In the fragments of conversations captured in the Maputo market, a recording studio and on coconut trees, we find daily routines and tedium lead to chit-chat on desire, money and hope. In the interplay between performance and document, poetry emerges from fleeting everyday moments.
No Escuro do Cinema Descalço os Sapatos
Production Coordinator
Este filme acompanha não só as criações e estreias da Companhia Nacional de Bailado mas sobretudo o trabalho silencioso e estrutural de cada bailarino.
Simpósio Internacional de Escultura em Pedra
A documentary following the process of sculpting in stone, from the creation to the final work of art.