Milena Milicevic


Expecting a Miracle
Botched directions lead a struggling couple to a small Mexican town whose residents have a positive effect on the pair's faltering marriage.
Ring of Death
On the inside, there are no rules. See what happens when Prison Officials Profit from Illegal fights.
Linha de Chegada
Mitch Camponella é um homem ambicioso, trabalha num depósito, mas seu sonho é ser piloto de corrida profissional. Numa tarde, ele destrói seu próprio carro numa péssima corrida de stock-car. Decidido a guardar dinheiro suficiente para tentar de novo e provar seu valor na pista, surge uma oportunidade para ganhar dinheiro rápido, com o milionário importador Frank Chase. A oferta: um bom salário como seu mecânico particular e guarda-costas de sua insinuante filha, Jessie. Parece ser um bom negócio. Mas a ambição pode ter um preço alto. Mitch é infiltrado na organização de Frank pelo FBI, o risco é de vida ou morte.Aperte o cinto. Esta é uma história cheia de ação, carros amassados e fumaça de pneus, que leva a uma linha de chegada, veloz e furiosa.
A Nossa Casa
Production Coordinator
Após a morte do marido, Ruth, uma socialite solitária, toma uma overdose de comprimidos tentando se matar. Ela é salva por Billy, uma sem-teto que se torna amiga da viúva e que, após uma resistência inicial, vai morar na mansão.
Uma Mulher Misteriosa: Visão de um Assassinato
Production Coordinator
Sam lands a job photographing a new spa in Southern California for their brochure and brings her best friend Cassie along to enjoy some pampering. When one of the guests staying at the upscale retreat turns up dead, Sam is once again on the trail of a murderer. As the investigation progresses, Sam uncovers a scam that the spa Dr was testing unapproved drugs on the patrons.. filler implants, etc. without the patients' informed consent.
Out of the Woods
Production Coordinator
Matt, a self-absorbed young attorney, goes to visit his grandfather - an eccentric recluse who lives in the backwoods without gas, electricity, or phone - to convince him not to give away his estate as he plans to do. But in the end, it is Matt who is convinced to make some life changes. Jason London and Ed Asner star. When a woman needs someone to look after her aging father (Ed Asner), her irresponsible son isn't her first choice. Matt (Jason London) can't get his career, love life, or wallet in order, so how can he be expected to check in on his grandfather? But desperation leads Matt to visit his grandfather at his home in the middle of nowhere. For Matt, this barebones life takes some adjustment, but then he meets a single mother who helps him learn about the simple life.
Mystery Woman: Snapshot
Production Coordinator
Amateur sleuth Samantha Kinsey's latest case has her trying to figure out who killed her best friend Barbara after she was left out of her family's will and every one of the family members become suspects.