Christine Saucerotte


Wall Of Secrets
Production Coordinator
A young lovely moves to Chicago to be with her husband. They are both amazed at the terrific apartment they obtained for very little rent. Unfortunately this apartment comes with an unsavory history. As if that isn't bad enough, there are sounds and noises in the walls!
Production Coordinator
Recently widowed Shelby Naylor (Sherilyn Fenn) listening to her husbands police scanner overhears a husband and wife arguing on the phone. The wife ends up dead and Widow Naylor points the finger endangering herself.
O Eliminador
Production Coordinator
Jason Price é um ex-agente do governo que ganha dinheiro ajudando pessoas a desaparecer por meio de um programa que ele criou. Quando seu amigo de infância Sonny e o gângster Paul Elker chegam pedindo ajuda, as coisas começam a se complicar. Alguém se infiltrou na rede de Price e seus clientes estão sendo mortos.