Jesse Davidson


A Era Perfeita do Rock'n'roll
Location Scout
Dois amigos de infância mostram seus talentos e a paixão pela música em uma viagem através dos EUA, que os coloca cara a cara com seu passado em uma missão para enfrentar o futuro.
The twisted mind of director Bill Zebub spills out onto the small screen in this 90-minute jaunt that combines offbeat comedy with short films and skits. Spoofing on the horror genre, Zebub pokes fun at the clichés of slasher flicks, replacing fear with humor. Also featured are works from directors Isabelle Stephen and Shane Morton and a short film about a schizophrenic who finds that the voices in his head are coming from the television.
Tonight at Noon
Location Manager
Lee and Mae are a couple trying to work out their differences. As Mae struggles with memories of a former flame, Lee, who is a writer, works through his frustration by forming his problems into a story in his mind. And that's when everything starts shifting back and forth from reality to Lee's imagination.