Richard Donat

Richard Donat

Nascimento : 1941-06-01, Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada


Richard Donat


O Que de Verdade Importa
O engenheiro Alec Bailey mora em Londres e tenta, sem muito êxito, ganhar a vida consertando eletrodomésticos, mas sua situação financeira está cada vez pior. Inesperadamente, surge Raymond Heacock, um tio desconhecido que lhe propõe quitar todas as dívidas, desde que Alec se mude para uma pequena cidade na Nova Escócia, no Canadá, por pelo menos um ano. Desconfiado, mas sem muitas opções, ele aceita a proposta do tio e inicia uma incrível jornada de descoberta, aprendizado e redenção. Tudo começa quando ele conhece Cecília, a veterinária da cidade. Ela se oferece para fazer um anúncio atrativo e de duplo sentido para oferecer os trabalhos de Alec, levando os moradores a acreditar que ele tem o dom da cura.
Amelia Earhart foi a primeira mulher a completar a travessia do oceano Atlântico pilotando um avião. Este feito fez com que se tornasse uma celebridade nos Estados Unidos, onde passou a ser chamada de "deusa da luz" devido a sua ousadia e carisma. Seu fascínio pelo perigo inspirou até mesmo a primeira dama Eleanor Roosevelt. Casada com George Putnam, um magnata do mercado editorial, e tendo o piloto Gene Vidal como seu grande amigo, Amelia decide, em 1937, embarcar na mais arrojada de suas missões: dar a volta ao mundo em um voo solo.
O Desafio de Darwin
Dr. Robert Darwin
Em 1858, a vida de Darwin parecia esta se desmoronando. Sua revolucionaria teoria da evolução é contestada, enquanto seus filhos estão doentes. Com a sua carreira ameaçada e sua vida pessoal em crise, é sua esposa Emma, uma pianista clássica que estudou com Chopin, que o ajuda a perceber que o que ele chamou de mistério da vida é afinal o mistério e a verdade escondida dentre milhares de anos.
Mystery of the Megaflood
The Channeled Scablands in Washington state defied conventional explanations for their formation for decades. Little by little evidence mounted for an old theory that was rejected by the scientific establishment. It involved glaciers, volcanoes, a relatively minor river and a prodigious amount of water. Originally aired as an episide of NOVA.
Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas
A woman discovers the truth about her former lover from the diary that his first wife wrote to their son, Nicholas.
Great Escape
The real Great Escape didn't feature Steve McQueen racing through the Third Reich on a motorcycle like in the 1963 movie, but the big breakout was still thrilling in every way. This program sheds new light on the audacious escape of 76 Allied airmen from a Nazi POW camp during World War II.
Martha, Inc.: The Story of Martha Stewart
Kmart Exec
Martha, Inc.: The Story of Martha Stewart is a 2003 NBC TV movie starring Cybill Shepherd as Martha Stewart in which the life of Martha Stewart is outlined starting from her life in New Jersey to the scandal behind her arrest.
The Event
An intense relationship drama that takes the form of a mystery, The Event centers around a series of unexplained deaths that occur among the gay community in New York's fashionable Chelsea district. Nick, a district attorney investigating the most recent case, a suspicious apparent suicide, and her interviews with friends and family of the deceased trigger extensive and intricately interwoven flashbacks that reveal surprising facts about the man's life and death.
Heart of a Stranger
What happens when you receive someone else's heart and wind up with the transplant donor's personality traits and memories too? Jill Maddox, a middle-aged concert violinist, is about to find out! After her surgery, Maddox starts chugging beers, blasting modern music and donning barely-there miniskirts. She is acting like the 22-year-old guy whose ticker she inherited. Even weirder — this is a true story! (Based on the book “Change of Heart” by Claire Sylvia and William Novak.)
Reverend Matherson
The story of Gloria, a worldly but crabby teen-boy-band manager and Sherman, a morose rural man as they escape from their lives, experience life-changing travel, and against their will, cling to one another. When they fall in love for the first time, it's an impossible situation, because you can't just change your life overnight. Can you?
4ª Fase: A Humanidade Refém do Medo
Karl Dean
Journalism student Simon Tate thinks it's strange when four students at the university suddenly die in "unrelated" accidents. When his friend, Dr. Benjamin Roanic, becomes the prime suspect and is suddenly murdered, Simon sets out to prove his innocence. He soon discovers the students were Roanic's test subjects in a secret drug test program, and had been cured of AIDS. He is forced to run for his life, when a pharmaceutical company tries to prevent him from revealing the truth behind "Phase IV".
O Peso da Água
Mr. Plaisted
Jean (Catherine McCormack) é uma fotojornalista que está pesquisando sobre o assassinato de duas mulheres a golpes de machado, ocorrido em 1873, para usá-lo em um editorial sobre outro duplo assassinato, este ocorrido nos dias atuais. Para ajudar na pesquisa ela, seu marido Thomas (Sean Penn), seu cunhado Rich (Josh Lucas) e Adaline (Elizabeth Hurley), a esposa dele, partem juntos em uma viagem de navio para New Hampshire. É quando Jean descobre documentos que explicam a morte ocorrida no século XIX através de uma testemunha ocular, fazendo com que ela mude o modo de escrever sobre o assassinato ocorrido mais recentemente.
Pit Pony
Rory MacLean
Glace Bay, Nova Scotia Canada, 1901. Willie MacLean is a 10-year-old boy with a love for horses and liking to school to cape the difficult times his family has. Willie's stern, but benevolent father is a coal miner in a local mine along with his older brother John. But when Willie's father is injured and John is killed in an accident at the mine, Willie is forced to step into his brother's shoes to support his older sister Nelle, and two younger sisters until their father recovers. Willie soon finds work at the mine lonely (aka: the pit) and unfriendly in which he forms a bond with a pit pony horse in order to make it though each day.
Star Wars: Ewoks - Tales from the Endor Woods
Deej (voice)
Wicket remembers four memorable adventures from his youth: how he fixed up his great grandfather's battle wagon, the occasion when Latara ran away from the Ewok village to join the traveling Jindas, the time his father Deej fell terrible ill and the story of Kneesa's long lost sister, Asha.
Promise the Moon
Wilbur Bennett
Ranch hand Roy Leckner tries to fulfill his employer’s dying wish to find his long lost son, bring him home and groom him to run the family’s failing cattle ranch.
Calm at Sunset
Peter McGuire
Drama about a young man who defies his parents by dropping out of college to pursue his dream of owning a fishing boat, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather.
Dangerous Offender: The Marlene Moore Story
Robert Harris
Marlene Moore has spent most of her life in prison, and is considered so dangerous that the authorities want her locked up indefinitely — though she has never committed a serious crime.
This free-form Canadian drama chronicles the dysfunctional lives of six young people living in Montreal during the summer of 1994. All of the characters are in their twenties, and all are dissatisfied with modern life. Rita is hell on rollerblades and makes her free-wheeling living snatching purses and breaking into cars. She camps out in the apartment of her wealthy friend, Roxan who devotes her spare time to caring for the homeless. Lloyd is a skinhead Deejay for an alternative radio station. His self-important, outrageous ranting provides the background for the rest of the stories. Lloyd is in love with Loulou, a barmaid at a punk club. Loulou is involved in a boring relationship with liquor store clerk, Marc; she looks to Lloyd for excitement. Finally there is screwed-up Henriette, who is so busy venting her neurosis in her shrink's office that she has no time to listen to the doctor's advice.
Net Worth
Jimmy Norris
The story of the NHL's early years, focusing on the battle between the players, led by Hall of Famer Ted Lindsay, and the owners, over issues of benefits, pensions and the like.
O Segredo
Mostly on account of a pride struggle, Mike Dunmore has lived his whole life keeping a secret which he believed would only cause shame if it came to light. Personal relationships with his son Patrick have been strained as a result. The only ones who ever knew anything about it were his deceased wife and his best friend, Thurgood who he works with, who both agreed to help keep it covered up for him as long as they could. However, when his treasured grandson begins experiencing the same problems, Mike realizes that he can't hide his secret any longer, or if he tried to, it would be most difficult. Even more so when he is endorsed and volunteers to run as a candidate for local election.
Deadly Betrayal: The Bruce Curtis Story
Jim Curtis
A "true crime" docu-drama: in July 1982, Al and Rosemary Podgis were shot dead in their home in New Jersey. Rosemary's son Scott and his Canadian high-school friend Bruce Curtis were charged with their murder. Scott confesses to deliberately shooting his stepfather Al, but Bruce insists that his shooting of Rosemary was accidental.
Pequenos Raptores
Hans Hooft
Dois órfãos, que moram com seu avô rabugento, encontram um bebê e decidem cuidar dele. Enquanto a família e a policia procuram pelo bebê desaparecido.
My American Cousin
Major Wilcox
My American Cousin is a Canadian drama film, released in 1985. Written and directed by Sandy Wilson based on her own childhood, the film stars Margaret Langrick as Sandy Wilcox, a pre-teen girl growing up on a ranch in rural Penticton, British Columbia in the late 1950s. Sandy's longing to be treated as an adult is roused even further when her older American cousin Butch Walker (John Wildman) comes for a visit. The cast also includes Richard Donat, Jane Mortifee, Babz Chula and Camille Henderson.
Samuel Lount
Sheriff Jarvis
Back in 1837 in the Northwoods of Canada and beyond, a movement was started among the colonialists to demand the right to own property in the New World. This interesting docudrama follows the tragic outcome of that movement for one of its leaders, the pacifist and nearly beatific Samuel Lount (also the great-great-great uncle of producer Elvira Lount). The orator and journalist William Lyon Mackenzie stoked up the fire among the property-deprived, and a march on Toronto was begun. Lount was convinced to join the rebellion much against his better judgment -- he belonged to the Children of Peace religious sect. Lount's own pacifism meant nothing to the authorities; they executed Lount for treason after crushing the rebellion. R.H. Thomson plays the title role in this low-budget but high-energy effort.
The Suicide Murders
Vern Harrington
The apparent suicide of a politician he was hired to follow drags private detective Benny Cooperman into a whirlwind of hard boiled double crosses and psychotherapy whose roots lie in a decades-old unsolved murder.
Cidade em Chamas
Captain Harrison Risley
Depois de ser despedido da empresa onde trabalhava, homem provoca criminosamente o vazamento do estoque de óleo de uma refinaria, que escorre em direção às galerias de águas pluviais. O incêndio é inevitável e alastra-se por toda a cidade.
O Amanhã Não Virá
Coming back from an extended business trip, Frank discovers that his girlfriend Janie is now working at a new resort hotel where the owner has given her a permanent place to stay, as well as other gifts, in exchange for her affections. The two of them get into a fight and things quickly get out of control and the police are called and in turns into a hostage situation...
Fim de Semana Mortal
Harry is a rich dentist who often brings women up to his rural lakehouse. One weekend, he invites Diane, a former fashion model. On their way to the house, Diane runs a gang of thugs off the road. Humiliated, the thugs track down the couple for revenge.