Richard Münch
Nascimento : 1916-01-10, Gießen, Germany
Morte : 1987-06-05
Konsul Lürmann
Herr Senfter
Dr. Bamberg
A mother investigating her son's mysterious death finds much more than she bargained for. Casting director Alicia Browning (Remick) takes leave of her job in NYC to investigate what happened to her son Mark (Browning) in Germany. Her persistence uncovers perplexing details that lead to the discovery of some very unsettling, and dark personal memories!
Tyge Enslev
Denmark, by the end of the 19th century. Gov. Dihmer gives his resignation because of his illness. Two friends, a pastor and a physician, try to awaken his willpower and transcend a journey to Italy. Meanwhile, in the homeland, there are political breakthroughs that make little hope for new times.
A Texan with a secret past searches Europe with his son after the KGB kidnaps his wife.
A man who was a confidant of Adolf Hitler dies and leaves a fortune to make amends for his Nazi past—but his son has to search the world to find it.
Berlin 1808. A young, immature student who considers himself a poet, August Varnhagen, enters the famous salon of Rahel Levin, one of the first assimilated Jewish women of the Romantic period. He has heard of this woman who was praised by all for her wit and wisdom and he comes because he seeks connection and relations and in this salon the most famous men of the time crowded.
Prof. Noske
Professor Serebrjakow
Rabbi Hahn
Prof. Tarantoga
Hubert Gruyten
The story follows the life of a regular German women Leni Gruyten during the 1930s and 1940s. Through her interactions with friends, family and other people she knows, the regular folks' perception of the Nazi era is shown.
Colonel General Alfred Jodl
Norte da África, 1943. Patton (George C. Scott) assume o comando e injeta disciplina nos seus subordinados. Na Segunda Guerra, preocupado com a batalha contra o Marechal Rommel (Karl Michael Vogler), Patton procura entendê-lo lendo o livro do próprio Rommel. Promovido, é enviado para a Itália, mas coloca o futuro de sua carreira em risco ao esbofetear um recruta que estava tendo um colapso nervoso. Este incidente o faz perder o comando do seu exército e, por extensão, ser excluído da invasão do "Dia D", além de ser forçado a pedir desculpas públicas pelo ocorrido.
Sir Basil Zaharoff
Comte Hubert de Bréville
General von Lüttwitz
General von Stürmer
À medida que os exércitos aliados se aproximam, os nazistas decidem explodir a última ponte do Reno, deixando seus próprios homens no lado errado rio. Será que isso vai acontecer? Em março de 1945, quando a Guerra na Europa está chegando ao fim, o Exército Aliado procurou desesperadamente uma ponte sobre o impenetrável rio Reno, para lançar um grande ataque no centro da Alemanha. "A Ponte de Remagem" conta a verdadeira história da batalha por esta última cabeça de ponte, tanto da perspectiva alemã como americana.
Baron Görtz
Georges Clemenceau
Gebietskommissar Hingst
Dr. Rolf Stauffer
Exploitation movie about a war between pimps in Cologne, Germany, in the Sixties.
Mr. Arcularis
Mr. High
Fifth Jerry Cotton Movie. A rich capitalist is blackmailed and threatened with the murder of his daughter.
Fürst von Eulenburg
J.G. Henderson
Lord Edward Grayton
This three-part Austrian/Czech comedy stretches the boundaries of what is considered to be humorous. Part one finds a silent film actor upset because of a rival actor's attention to the former's wife. When he kills his rival, it is only when he is strapped to the electric chair that he realizes that this is his last live scene. The second episode has the wife of an elderly British nobleman having an affair with the young gamekeeper of their estate. Part three finds a peasant woman taking a lover when her husband goes off to fight the war.
Mr. High
Fourth Jerry Cotton movie. Here's another good entry into Nader's "G-man Jerry Cotton" series. A delivery truck from the U.S. Mint is hijacked.
Dr. Freytag
After the brutal murder of the prostitute Vera Paterny, Inspector Reinisch hardly makes any progress with the investigation. Vera's colleague Sonja reports on wild sex parties of the murdered and mentions names, prominent names.
Professor Alden (Frame story)
Assassina caçada pela polícia acaba se escondendo na casa de um psiquiatra, que acaba lhe contando três histórias, na tentativa de provar que o crime não compensa. Na primeira, em Viena, na Áustria, um repórter investiga uma organização criminosa que falsifica diamantes. Em Roma, um agente secreto cai nas garras do submundo do crime e quase perde a vida na tentativa de recuperar importantes documentos, que mais tarde descobre serem falsos. Em São Francisco, um detetive particular salva a vida de uma dançarina e suas colegas da boate Flamingo. Todas elas sabem a identidade do homem que quer matar o presidente do Brasil durante o Carnaval no Rio de Janeiro.
Mr. John High
Third Jerry Cotton Adaption. A big shipment of Nitroglycerine, enough to make a shambles of New York, mysteriously vanishes! It's a race between agent Jerry Cotton and the underworld to see who can find the deadly explosive first. To complicate things further, the nitro must be found before a torrid heat wave causes it to blow much of the city sky high.
Chief Justice
Kurt Hoffmann's remake of his own 1953 movie based on the play by Curt Goetz.
Mr. John High
Second Jerry Cotton movie. A ring of gangsters has been terrorizing New York City. Special agent Jerry Cotton is summoned by the FBI to help crack down on the Criminals and put them out of business. He doesnt pull any punches either.
Walter Morten
An episodic film, telling four erotic tales: Angela isn't sexually satisfied by her husband, so she simulates sleep-walking to visit her neighbor across the street every night; when his bathtub runs over, shy Peter gets to meet his sensuous neighbor Lolita; at a high-school reunion his former students pull a prank on Prof. Hellberg and make him believe he cheated on his wife while being drunk; Sybill has a good time during a break at the opera with the famous conductor Cramer.
Mr. John High
The first film adaptation of Jerry Cotton. FBI agents Jerry Cotton and Phil Decker are tracing a group of six murderers. Disguised as a vagabond Jerry Cotton infiltrates the gang. Kitty, the leader's girlfriend, soon becomes Jerry's most important helper. With her help, he's able to prevent a bomb's explosion in a school. The deadly attack on a rich collector he can not prevent. The gangsters flee with the loot and a hunt to the death begins ...
General von Libitz
Em 1944, um coronel alemão carrega um trem com tesouros de arte francesa para enviar para a Alemanha. A resistência deve pará-lo sem danificar a carga. Quando as forças aliadas se aproximam de Paris em agosto de 1944, o coronel alemão von Waldheim está desesperado para levar todas as maiores pinturas da França para a Alemanha. Ele consegue um trem para transportar as valiosas obras de arte, mesmo com o caos da retirada. A resistência francesa, no entanto, quer impedi-los de roubar seus tesouros nacionais, mas receberam ordens de Londres de que não devem ser destruídas. O chefe da estação, Labiche, tem a tarefa de agendar o trem e fazer tudo acontecer sem problemas, mas ele também faz parte de um grupo cada vez menor de combatentes da resistência encarregados de impedir o roubo. Ele e outros armam um estratagema elaborado para impedir que o trem saia do território francês.
Carla Zachanassian had a child by Serge Miller as a teenager. When Serge refused to marry her, she was driven out of town. By her own wit and cunning, she has returned as a multi-millionaire for a visit. The town lays out the red carpet expecting big things from Carla, only to learn that her sole purpose is to see Serge Miller killed...
Mario Orlandi di Alsconi
English millionaire Sir Cyrus Bradley is being blackmailed by “The Tortoise” Crime Syndicate. He is to pay £ 100,000.00 Pounds to stay alive and not be murdered. After his refusal to pay the money, he is quickly killed. Cyrus‘ nephew, Don Micklem, plans to avenge the death of his uncle and sets out on a quest to expose “The Tortoise“…
The film around the intelligence officer Captain Smith plays in the headquarters of a British tank regiment shortly after the beginning of the invasion of 1944, where Le Havre waws to be overrun by allied troops and forced to surrender. Smith refuses to continue the fight as he is convinced that the war has become meaningless, he came to that conclusion due to the denial of the request of a German general to evacuate the French civilian population.
A comet drops from the sky and causes a stir in Cadiz, Spain. A nihilistic drunk called Nada announces that very bad things are imminent. A herald gives orders that it is punishable to mention the comet.
Dr. Collins
A serial killer named The Shark is terrorizing London by killing his victims with a speargun and then, dressed in a scruba-diver's wetsuit, using the city's sewer tunnels to make his getaway.
Gen. Erich Marcks
O maior ataque que o mundo já viu, acontecido no dia 6 de junho, ficou conhecido como o Dia D e desbancou o domínio nazista na Europa. A ofensiva, que envolveu mais de 3 milhões de homens, foi uma das mais ousadas e sangrentas estratégias militares da era moderna e marcou o início do fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Vencedor dos Oscar de Fotografia em Preto e Branco e Efeitos Especiais, foi indicado ainda à outras três categorias: Filme, Montagem e Direção de Arte em Preto e Branco.
Bored with her marriage, Franziska decides to travel to Venice.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Iwan Abramowitsch
Dr. Erwin Glass
"Wunderbar" takes on a new meaning in this routine satire by Bernhard Wicki about a bar that is miraculously transported by God Himself to a nearby, new location on an island. The nature of the miracle is a bit strange, but it comes in answer to Pater Malachias' prayers to get the sin-ridden place out of the center of the city. The good and naive Malachias is subtly played by Horst Bollimann. Once this miracle of relocation has occurred, the sharks and entrepreneurs, who would bilk both the faithful and the curiosity-seekers alike, crop up like an unwanted epidemic. The mercenary and the sacred clash, as many try to find deeper meaning in what has happened, and Pater Malachias starts to doubt the wisdom of his original prayer.
Gruppenführer Lienhardt
Dr. Knock
Major Knorr
Herr Werner
Herr König, Oberst a. D.
Oberstleutnant Kesselbach
In the winter of 1943, against the background of battle scenes, a young German Lieutenant who increasingly distrusts the inhuman Nazi ideology struggles with the concept of war.
Herr Wegner, Direktor vom "Imperial"
Dr. Wolf
In Berlin, when the journalist Greg Bachmann is released from prison six months before the end of his sentence, there is a driver named Jupp waiting for him. Soon he learns that the famous journalist Cesar Boyd was the responsible for the shorter sentence. Cesar offers a position of his assistant to Greg; in return, Boyd would write his story about his interviews to war criminals and Greg would help him in other matters. Meanwhile Boyd welcomes the daughter of a deceased friend, Bettina, and he becomes her guardian.
Reverend Bennet
Mackie Messer
Schneider, Ingenieur
Alfonso Fernandez
1. Kriminalbeamter
A German scientist murders his fiancée during World War II when he learns that she has been selling the results of his secret research to the enemy.