First Assistant Director
Just in time for the joyous holiday season, this film connects the ancient Mayan prophecy of worldwide destruction at the end of 2012, and the iconic holiday song, The 12 Days of Christmas. But there is hope: a father learns that his daughter is really the "Chosen One" who, alone, can stop further catastrophe - if he can stave off the lunatic townspeople blaming her for the community's destruction.
First Assistant Director
Entediadas com a vida que levam no subúrbio de uma pequena cidade, um grupo de jovens colegiais se reúne na casa de uma amiga para passar a noite e comemorar o aniversário de 16 anos de uma delas. Lideradas por Chaplin (Brittany Robertson), elas decidem participar de um ousado jogo de Verdade ou Consequência. Na medida que a dificuldade dos desafios aumenta, a tensão é elevada a níveis extremos.
First Assistant Director
Social satire based on the best-seller by Adele Lang humorously chronicles the life of Katya Livingston, a self-centered, obnoxious and conceited 28-year-old ad sales exec who won't let anything or anyone stand in her way in getting to the top of the San Francisco social ladder.