Belinda Hum


Lathe of Heaven
Mrs. Nakumisi
In a near future society a man claims that his dreams physically change reality. His therapist is confused at first but soon decides to use him for his own gain. The 2002 adaptation discards a significant portion of the original plot, some essential characters, and much of the philosophical underpinnings of the book and the original PBS production. Ursula K. Le Guin disapproved of the A&E production, and stated that she found it "misguided and uninteresting".
Uma garota depressiva e alcoólatra atropela um homem e foge do lugar durante uma noite chuvosa de verão. Com a ajuda de alguém que conhece casualmente poderá reconciliar sua vida.
Mulheres Entre o Céu e o Inferno
In an ethereal, high-ceilinged room, women stand, waiting. Perhaps it's Purgatory and they're dead. In the room, two young women, one an actress and the other a psychologist, watch the last few days of their lives on a TV screen. Both are having affairs with married men, each has a long encounter with her lover's wife, and both these scenes take place in a ladies' room, one backstage at a play that's about to preview, the other at an opera house during the first act. The relationships between each pair of younger and older women take surprising turns, and in the room with the TV, a sylph asks probing and challenging questions of the two young women as they watch.
Going to Kansas City
An exchange student from Finland arrives in Kansas City. He is expecting to spend a year in the city, but ends up living on a farm in a small town. He falls in love with the sheriff’s daughter and soon finds himself in trouble.