Danny McKinnon


Polly Pocket: Polly World
Nathan / Waiter (voice)
Polly and her classmates hits the world's most fabulicious amusement park and compete in a charity version of their favorite mega-reality show, "Roll Like That!" The only thing holding them back from winning the fab first prize is Polly's scheming future stepmom and her jealous classmate, Beth. But there's nothing a little girl-power can't overcome!
Scary Godmother: Halloween Spooktakular
Bert (voice)
The Scary Godmother Halloween Spooktakular is based on the comics and children's books of popular artist and writer Jill Thompson. Jill has won numerous awards for her fabulous watercolour paintings and illustrations. Scary Godmother is the whimsical all-ages story that follows the first trick-or-treating adventure of Hannah Marie, a young girl whose rotten older cousin is babysitting her one dark Halloween. Unhappy to be saddled with Hannah, her cousin cooks up a scheme to frighten her. But his scheme backfires when Hannah gets help from her Scary Godmother. Scary Godmother takes Hannah to her realm on the Fright Side where she is throwing the best Halloween party in all of frightdom. At the party Hannah is introduced to many colourful characters, learns that not all monsters are mean and enlists her new spooky friends in a plan to teach Jimmy a lesson.
Barbie como Rapunzel
Tommy (voice)
Nessa versão animada com a boneca Barbie a heroína vive a bela Rapunzel, dona dos mais lindos cabelos que alguém já viu. Mas Rapunzel é uma serviçal e torna-se prisioneira de uma bruxa muito poderosa e ciumenta. Presa numa torre, Rapunzel irá da janela conhecer e se apaixonar pelo Príncipe Stefan, o único que pode salvá-la.
Reboot - Daemon Rising
Enzo 00 (voice)
Looks like Bob and his fellow computer Sprites may have finally met their match. Supervirus Daemon is spreading her infection throughout the entire Net and edging ever closer to the City of Mainframe. Bob joins forces with old enemies in an attempt to foil her destruction of Mainframe and must reach into the past to find the answer.
Barbie: O Quebra-Nozes
Gingerbread Boy (voice)
Como que por magia, Barbie ganha vida nesta prodigiosa adaptação do conto clássico de Hoffman, animado por computador. A história inicia-se quando Clara recebe um belo Quebra-Nozes de madeira como presente de sua tia favorita. Nessa noite, o Quebra-Nozes ganha vida para expulsar o Rei dos Ratos, que invadiu os aposentos de Clara. Ela acorda e ajuda o Quebra-Nozes, mas o Rei dos Ratos, através de um feitiço maléfico, a faz diminuir de tamanho. Clara e o Quebra-Nozes partem numa aventura fantástica para encontrar a Fada Açucarada, a única pessoa com poderes para quebrar o maléfico feitiço.