Hiromi Seki


Looking for Magical Doremi
The story follows 27-year-old Tokyo office worker Mire Yoshizuki who just returned to Japan, 22-year-old fourth-year college student Sora Nagase who aspires to be a teacher, and 20-year-old boyish, part-time Hiroshima okonomiyaki shop worker and freelancer Reika Kawatani. What draws together these three women from completely different walks of life is a magic gem. A "New Magical Story" begins when they are mysteriously brought together by chance and embark on a journey.
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
Supervisor of Production Resources
A equipe descobre que quando crescerem, seu relacionamento com os Digimon chegará mais perto do fim. Eles percebem que quanto mais lutam, mais rápido o vínculo se rompe e a hora de escolher se aproxima rapidamente.
More! Ojamajo Doremi: Secret of the Frog Stone
Doremi, her friends, and her family are visiting Doremi's Grandparents. Aiko fears Doremi's grandfather due to accident when she was young. The group learn of the legend of the Frog Stone and a story of a couple. The witch apprentices, minus Pop, go in search of the stone.
Magical DoReMi Sharp: The Movie
One day Pop was out scavenging with Hana, and found a beautiful rose inside the Queen's garden. Curious, she picked the rose and brought it home. Unwittingly, that rose can cause all wishes to become true, whether good or bad. Good wishes will turn the rose white and bloom, while bad wishes will turn the rose black and wither. After a heated argument with her sister Doremi, Pop wishes that Doremi loses all her magic and be turned into a mouse. Hilarity ensues, as Doremi and the others try to put everything back to normal.
Marmalade Boy
Executive Producer
Miki's lying in bed in the school's nursery after being hit in the face by a ball, supposedly asleep when Yuu comes in. Yuu asks her if she is asleep but she does not answer, so he looks at her as she sleeps. Then he kisses her and leaves. As soon as he has left, Miki jumps up, surprised and wonders what he is up to, since they have just met... or have they?