Olga Kusenko


A Bag Full of Hearts
Many years brings the collective-farm postman Arina post to home folks. This village in one corner is calledl; Chistuy Kolodets; in other ; Chistaya Krinitsa Russians and Ukrainians live there. Arina's stories about village people and the contemporaries create big story which in many recalls their favourite songs.
Ganna Chapliy
Festive Kyiv meets victorious warriors. Among the noise and fun, Irina Gaeva feels especially lonely. No one is waiting for her, no one meets her at the station. All her family and friends died during the war. Confused, overwhelmed by grief, Irina decides to go to the village, in the battles for which her husband died.
Viburnum Grove
Vasilisa Dmitrievna
Martyn Borulya
The main film character, an ordinary peasant Martyn Borylya, decided to get a noble order. Having chosen a little and primitive aim, in the chase of the artificial values, he loses everything.
In steppes of Ukraine
The performance of the Kiev state academic Ukrainian drama theater about two friends, in the past — participants of the civil war, and now — the chairmen of the collective farms "Death to capitalism" and "Quiet life". And if Salivon Garlic all efforts are focused on the development of public riches of the collective farm, the dumpling is fighting for the welfare of the individual farm of each farmer. Their skirmish on this ground is the basis of the plot of the Comedy play…