Captain Tom "Outlaw" Waters is one of four Air Force pilots taking part in a "black" Defense project involving virtual reality. The project is managed by a secretive Colonel Anderson and overseen by General Breslaw. When two of his colleagues die during test runs after some erratic behaviour in the flight simulator, Waters begins to believe that there is a conspiracy among his superiors. He even begins to suspect his new lover, Caitlin Cole. Written by D.W. Prosser
Set Dresser
O anjo Warlock, filho de Satã, vêm para a Terra à procura de seis pedras mágicas, que juntas, criam o Armageddon. A única força capaz de abrir as portas do inferno. Mas ele não está só. Em seu caminho há dois jovens, os últimos representantes dos sacerdotes Druidas, povo com poderes sobrenaturais.