Angela Besharah

Angela Besharah

Nascimento : 1982-08-12, Ottawa - Ontario - Canada


Angela Besharah is a Canadian director, photographer, actor and acting coach working in film, television and theatre.


Angela Besharah


A Royal Christmas Crush
Ava accepts the opportunity of a lifetime to work at the Royal Ice Hotel which leads her to a surprise whirlwind romance with the most important guest of all, the Royal Prince himself.
Uma Garota de Muita Sorte
Mrs. Hurst
Uma mulher de sucesso na cidade de Nova York vê sua vida virada de cabeça para baixo quando é forçada a enfrentar uma verdade sombria que ameaça desvendar sua vida meticulosamente trabalhada.
MARCH takes place in 2024, and follows an American woman in her mid-twenties, as she travels to Toronto, Canada to get a now-illegal abortion.
Canadian Strain
Government Woman
When cannabis becomes legal in Canada, boutique weed dealer Anne Banting is swiftly run out of business by the biggest gangsters in town - the government.
In the wake of another disappearance at work, Marcus arrives at Jaime's loft for a date they've both been working up to for months. A passionate kiss quickly unveils ulterior motives as their true selves come into the light.
In the wake of another disappearance at work, Marcus arrives at Jaime's loft for a date they've both been working up to for months. A passionate kiss quickly unveils ulterior motives as their true selves come into the light.
In the wake of another disappearance at work, Marcus arrives at Jaime's loft for a date they've both been working up to for months. A passionate kiss quickly unveils ulterior motives as their true selves come into the light.
Tomorrow's Shadows
Where futures are known and happiness is guaranteed by G.O.D., a mother is given a choice - her child or her perfect future.
Um Dia Para Amar
Um escritor em crise conhece a Morte e se apaixona. Ele deve decidir se seu verdadeiro amor está nesse mundo ou no além, e se vale a pena morrer pelos seus sonhos de sucesso.
All Hallows' Eve 2
Wary Woman (segment "The Last Halloween") (archive footage)
A woman finds a VHS tape on her doorstep that shows a series of gruesome tales that could be real. But the true danger is the pumpkin-faced killer that's using the tape to find his next victim.
The Last Halloween
Wary Woman
The city is quiet; the streets, deserted. It doesn't much feel like Halloween, and yet four young trick-or-treaters - a Ghost, a Devil, a Grim Reaper and a Witch - make their way through the night, door to door and house by house, gathering up an unlikely harvest of kindness amid the devastated wreckage of society's collapse. In a world where the only rule is that there are no rules anymore, it is perhaps a fitting irony that it should all come down to this... a simple choice between two starkly different options. The Last Halloween is here at last, and the time has come to make your choice. So, what will it be? Trick? Or treat?
The Conspiracy
A documentary about conspiracy theories takes a horrific turn after the filmmakers uncover an ancient and dangerous secret society.
American Pie: Caindo em Tentação
Erik Stifler e Cooze ingressam na vida acadêmica, na Universidade de Michigan. Os dois logo são são apresentados a Fraternidade Beta, presidida pelo lendário Dwight Stifler, primo de Erik. A Fraternidade Beta é famosa por suas festas. Enquanto os calouros tentam um lugar na irmandade, Dwight tenta salvar a Beta dos ataques da conservadora Fraternidade GEK, formada por nerds e comandada por Edgar que quer acabar com a supremacia dos libertinos.
Ensinando a Viver
Mary in Photos
David Gordon (John Cusack) é um escritor de ficção científica que ficou viúvo recentemente. Ele então decide adotar Dennis (Bobby Coleman), um menino órfão que acredita ser um marciano em missão de exploração na Terra. Liz (Joan Cusack) tenta dissuadir David da ideia, alegando os perigos da paternidade. mas ele está decidido e adotar o garoto. A partir de então passa a contar com ajuda da amiga Harlee (Amanda Peet), já que se vê completamente perdido.
Who Killed Our Father?
After her foster sister dies, Leila takes a DNA test and discovers the identity of her biological father and sister. But when her father is tragically murdered, and Leila travels to meet the sister she never knew, she lands herself in more danger than she ever imagined.