Irakli Nijaradze


O Sol Branco do Deserto
O Exército vermelho, no periodo pós-revolução, combate bandos de ladrões contra-revolucionários. E o soldado Fyodor Sukhov está a caminho de seu lar atravessando o deserto, onde o bando do brutal Abdulla está agindo. Ele então acaba sendo encarregado de escoltar o harém de Abdulla, um homem que mantém diversas mulheres detidas. Sukhov entra numa batalha de defesa dessas mulheres.
I See the Sun
In Georgia during WWII Zurikela, an orphan boy, meets Khatia, a blind girl, and vows to help her to see again.
Father of a Soldier
Georgiy's fellow villager
During World War II, оld Georgian peasant wine-grower Georgy leaves his Georgian village and goes off to the front line, hoping to find his son. George should see and transfer a lot of things, he becomes a soldier and only in the last days of war finds the son...
Otar's Widow
The only son of Otari’s widow decides to serve in the serf owner’s house, and falls in love with the patron’s daughter for whom he can’t reveal his feelings to.