Irina Lazareva


See It My Way
Olya is a crazy girl who escaped from an orphanage. Maxim is a blind guy, tired of the quirks of a rich father. By chance meeting, the guys decide to drop everything and go to sea. Why not - Maxim's father has money, Olya has a crazy craving for adventure. They are young and want freedom, they only see it in their own way. But this makes the journey only brighter and more fun!
Happy New Year!
War destroys hopes, dreams, mercilessly burns generations.
Надя, жена Валика
All Inclusive ili Vsyo Vklyucheno
Andrey is a handsome veterinarian with a successful Moscow pet clinic. Popular with ladies among his upscale clientele, he is forced to leave town when the jealous husband of one of them hires a hitman.
Evangelisti R.A.C.H.E.
Stalin's Housekeeper
Ao longo de três décadas, Stalin assume o poder da Rússia, trata a esposa terrivelmente e ordena atos de agressão contra seu próprio povo. Sem confiar em ninguém, o ditador age cruelmente até sua eventual queda e morte.
O Círculo do Poder
Barbara (Waitress)
A verdadeira história de Ivan Sanchin, o oficial da KGB que foi o projecionista de filmes pessoal de Stalin de 1939 até a morte do ditador. Narrado do ponto de vista de Sanchin, um herói simpático mas tragicamente falho, mantém a fé inabalável em seu "Mestre", apesar da prisão de seus vizinhos e seu envolvimento com sua filha, o caso de sua esposa com o arrepiante chefe de Segurança do Estado Lavrentii Beria e o seu trágico declínio. Mortíferas maquinações políticas dentro do Kremlin que ele testemunha em primeira mão. Escrito por Martin H. Booda. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Don't Wake a Sleeping Dog
After coming out of jail a sneak thief "Chibis" plans a big afaire.
Splashes of Champagne
The film is based on the novel by Vyacheslav Kondratyev "Vacation by Wound." The story of the few weeks that young lieutenant Volodya spent in Moscow in the summer of 1942 after treatment at the hospital. Directly from the Rzhev Front with a bandaged hand, in a bloodstained padded jacket and tattered boots, he goes on vacation to his mother in the capital. Here, at the height of the war, almost peaceful life is going on - lines for vodka and beer, restaurants for the aristocracy of nomenclature, parties, girls... It’s another month for Volodya to live an ordinary life in Moscow, in a peaceful city in which everything is alien to him.