Dick Anthony Williams

Dick Anthony Williams

Nascimento : 1934-08-09, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Morte : 2012-02-16


Dick Anthony Williams


Grizzly II: Revenge
All hell breaks loose when a giant grizzly, reacting to the slaughter of her cubs by poachers, attacks a massive rock concert in the National Park. [This sequel to "Grizzly" (1976) was left unfinished after production wrapped prematurely in 1983, and was not officially released until 2020, though a bootleg workprint version had been in circulation for some years prior to this.]
Lutador de Rua
Isaiah Bone (Michael Jai White), um ex-presidiário, entra de cabeça no submundo das lutas clandestinas de Los Angeles determinado a cumprir a promessa que fez a um grande amigo já falecido.
Three women — a young coed, a forty-something single mother, and one a senior-aged widow — meet in the sauna of the local gym, where they gradually get to know one another and bond over their respective trials and tribulations.
Clube dos Imorais
Mr. Armstrong
Durante o dia, ela é Diana Armstrong (LISARAYE), uma jovem mãe solteira, empregada numa sapataria e estudante de jornalismo. À noite, é Diana Diamond, uma mulher com muito charme, carisma e convicção que se despe de preconceitos e dança de forma muito sensual pelo dinheiro dos seus clientes. Ao contrário de outras dançarinas, Diamond só pensa em dançar para ganhar algum dinheiro e abandonar este mundo. Ela aprendeu a manter a distância, particularmente do dono do bar, Dollar Bill (BERNIE MAC) e do empregado Li'l Man (A.J.JOHNSON). A única pessoa em que Diamond confia é no seu amigo Blue (JAMIE FOXX), um jovem deejay que, como ela, deseja abandonar a profissão. Ao ver a sua prima Ebony juntar-se a este mundo, Diamond toma consciência que não existe outro caminho senão abandonar a profissão antes que ela as destrua. "The players club - danças eróticas" é um ousado e surpreendente filme sobre a vida num famoso bar de strip e as lutas que se travam para escapar a esse mundo explosivo.
Percy & Thunder
Caswell Baker
A veteran trainer takes a promising fighter under his wing and lives his dreams through his protégé.
The Gifted
Psychic descendents of an African tribe reunite to save Earth. 5000 years ago certain members of the Dogon tribe in West Africa were granted psychic powers by good aliens to counterbalance the effects of Ogo, a bad alien intent on taking over Earth and killing all life to remake the planet for his own purposes. Descendents of the tribe who inherit the psychic powers are given an ancient book to read and pass on. Every 32 years, in connection with the orbiting of the star Sirius B, Ogo returns to kill a few more of the psychics in his ongoing bid for power.
O Juízo Final
Mimi Rogers é uma telefonista entediada, que passa as noites buscando sexo em suas mais variadas expressões. Ela acaba renunciando aos seus desejos, casa-se com um antigo amante, mas uma terrível tragédia a levará para o deserto a espera do juízo final.
Edward Mãos de Tesoura
Officer Allen
Peg Boggs é uma vendedora que acidentalmente descobre Edward, jovem que mora sozinho em um castelo no topo de uma montanha, criado por um inventor que morreu antes de dar mãos ao estranho ser, que possui apenas enormes lâminas no lugar delas. Isto o impede de poder se aproximar dos humanos, a não ser para criar revolucionários cortes de cabelos. No entanto, Edward é vítima da sua inocência e, se é amado por uns, é perseguido e usado por outros.
Mais e Melhores Blues
Big Stop Williams
Ainda muito jovem, o pequeno Bleek Gilliam (Denzel Washington) era forçado pelos pais a estudar trompete, o que não lhe deixava tempo nenhum para ser criança e brincar com os amigos. Os anos se passaram e finalmente Bleek realiza o sonho de seus pais, tornando-se trompetista profissional. Mas uma forte rivalidade com o saxofonista Shadow Henderson (Wesley Snipes), parece crescer a cada dia, assumindo proporções catastróficas. E, além disso, o estranho Giant (Spike Lee), amigo e empresário de Bleek, é viciado em jogo, causando sérios problemas para todos os músicos da banda.
Cast the First Stone
Jackson Phillips
After Diane Martin is raped by a hitchhiker and becomes pregnant, she must face the pious faculty at the school where she teaches who condemn her "loose morals" and ostracize her. Based on a true story.
The Meeting
Malcolm X
Fictional meeting between Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X in Harlem in the early '60's.
Max Washington has just been released from prison after serving time for burglary. He returns to his old hangout, a hoofer club. His old girl friend, Amy, who still works at the club as a Tap instructor, is less than thrilled to see him. Her father, Little Mo, is happy to see him, because he has plans for a show involving Max. In addition, Max's old partners in crime have another job for him.
Jardins de Pedra
Slasher Williams
Um sargento deve lidar com seus desejos de salvar as vidas de jovens soldados que serão enviados para o Vietnã. Como é continuamente negada sua chance de passar aos novos soldados suas experiências, ele se contenta com tentar ajudar o filho de um velho amigo do exército.
Temporada de Verão
Dan Gardner
Carl Reiner dirigiu esta história de um homem dedicado à família, que tira férias da vida normal, quando aluga uma casa de veraneio na Flórida. O humorista John Candy interpreta o estressado controlador de tráfego aéreo cujas urgentíssimas férias longe de sua família o levam de uma histérica desventura a outra - diretamente do desconforto de seu humilde lar, para uma "balada" na praia, e até acertar as contas com um maluco no mar.
Challenge of a Lifetime
Dr. Hume
Nora Scoonover is 35, divorced, in debt and going nowhere when her 16 year-old son, Steven, runs away from camp and asks to spend the summer with her. Together they decide that she will enter the Ironman Triathlon competition in Hawaii, although she has not done any running since high school. The experience brings them together.
Crimes em Chicago
Det. Wylie
A musician living in an apartment building likes to check out the residents of the building opposite him--until he finds out one day that an attractive woman in that building is checking him out. He strikes up a relationship with her. Soon afterwards a string of serial killings occurs in the neighborhood, and suspicion begins to fall on the musician.
Night Partners
Elizabeth and Lauren are two Bakersfield housewives who volunteer to help the local police by working with crime victims to help catch criminals.
O Esquadrão da Justiça
Detective Paul Mackey
As violence escalates in Los Angeles and heinous murders are committed, Steven Hardin, a young judge of the California Supreme Court, must struggle with his tortured conscience and growing despair as he watches helplessly as the ruthless criminals brought before his court go free because clever lawyers find obscure loopholes in the law.
For Us, the Living: The Story of Medgar Evers
This film is the true story of Medgar Evers, a successful insurance agent who moves to Jackson, Mississippi to direct the regional headquarters of the NAACP. Fighting segregation and racist politics, Evers becomes a leader in the black community.
Keeping On
Samuel Taylor
A preacher teams up with a labor union organizer to help unionize the mill where he worked.
Something So Right
Morris Elliot
Joey lives with his mother. His father isn't around, he doesn't like school, he is bored and doesn't take orders from anyone. In other words he is a real little scamp. Being at one's wit's end, his mother decides to look for a "big brother" (sort of surrogate father) for Joey. At first this clumsy Arnie doesn't know how to handle Joey but after a while everything changes and not only for Joey ...
Sister, Sister
Reverend Richard Henderson
Heated confrontations and revelations result when a divorcee returns with her young son to the home of her two sisters.
This Is Kate Bennett...
Leonard Hayes
In this pilot for a prospective TV series, Kate Bennett is an investigative TV news reporter whose life is imperiled, along with that of her young daughter Jennifer, after she doggedly pursues the story of a sniper attack on several nurses.
Uma Arma em Casa
Det. Frank Campbell
A woman who uses a handgun to defend herself and shoots a man who is assaulting her in her home is doggedly prosecuted by the district attorney, bent on making an example of her case.
The Night the City Screamed
Jim Downs
A massive blackout plunges a major American city into a night of terror.
Admirável Mundo Novo
Helmholz Watson
An acclaimed TV miniseries based on the classic sci-fi novel.
O Panaca
Navin R. Johnson (Steve Martin) cresceu no Mississipi, tendo sido adotado por uma família de agricultores negros. Ao completar 18 anos ele tem vontade de conhecer o resto do planeta e parte para St. Louis. Todos exploram sua ingenuidade e uma invenção banal o transforma em milionário.
Hollow Image
A black New York career girl, who has made it big in the fashion world, is torn between her new life "downtown" and her roots in Harlem with an old boyfriend still living there.
An Almost Perfect Affair
An idealistic first-time director lives for his art — until he meets a wife of an Italian producer at the Cannes Film Festival. A passionate affair begins, but the couple's romance is tested as they face the temptations of fame and fortune.
Some Kind of Miracle
Dr. Hopstone
The story of a TV newscaster who is paralyzed in a surfing accident and how he, and his fiance, have to adjust to his being in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
This 1977 drama by Phillip Hayes Dean, deals with the sad division between what a man hopes for and what he achieves. In the title role, Dick Anthony Williams portrays a naïve, ambitious, recklessly optimistic man who is not understood by those closest to him and who finds himself in difficulty because of his unrealistic hopes.
The Storyteller
A television writer is troubled by accusations that a young boy's death resulted from actions the boy copied from the writer's teleplay.
O Fundo do Mar
Um casal de jovens turistas se envolve em um perigoso conflito com caçadores de tesouros quando eles descobrem a localização de um naufrágio nas águas das Bermudas. Com longas sequências subaquáticas e um olhar sobre os assuntos da caça ao tesouro. Baseado em um romance de Peter 'Jaws' Benchley. (Estimado 14 Anos - e 14)
The Long Night
Steely Brown, a young boy living in Harlem, wanders the streets of the city one night, reflecting on what led to the disappearance of his father. Meeting the denizens of his neighborhood, he engages in conversations that begin to sketch the outlines of the enigma, invoking Vietnam, marital discord, paternal relationships, substance abuse, schooling and unemployment—in short, the life of an American family.
Deadly Hero
District Attorney Winston
Officer Lacy is an 18-year veteran of the New York Police Department who finds himself demoted from detective back to patrol duty for his violent tendencies and trigger-happy behavior.
Um Dia de Cão
Limo Driver
Quando o inexperiente criminoso Sonny Wortzik lidera um assalto a um banco em Brooklyn, as coisas rapidamente dão errado e uma situação de refém se desenvolve. Sonny e seu cúmplice, Sal Naturile, tentam desesperadamente permanecer em controle, mas a mídia vai à loucura e o FBI chega, criando uma tensão ainda maior. Gradualmente, os verdadeiros motivos para o roubo são revelados.
Five on the Black Hand Side
Leonard Jackson plays a barber who is also the domineering head of a middle-class African American family. Jackson is forced to rethink his values when his previously docile wife (Clarice Taylor) joins their three children in rebelling against her husband's retrogressive behavior.
Jogando Sujo
Joe Creole
Homem marcado para morrer perde o amigo em atentado e jura vingança. Irá até o fim, mesmo que tenha de invandir o reduto do chefão da Máfia de Los Angeles e enfrentar seus asseclas.
The Mack
Pretty Tony
Goldie returns from five years at the state pen and winds up king of the pimping game. Trouble comes in the form of two corrupt white cops and a crime lord who wants him to return to the small time.
Who Killed Mary Whats'ername?
A prostitute is murdered on the streets of a tough, low-income neighborhood. A diabetic retired boxer who knew her is appalled by the lack of interest shown in the case by the police or anybody else in the neighborhood, and decides to investigate the case himself.
O Golpe de John Anderson
Duke Anderson sai da prisão e reúne uma equipe de alto nível para roubar um apartamento de luxo. O que ele não sabe é que o prédio possui um novo sistema de vigilância, com câmeras de segurança que registram todos os seus movimentos.
The Lost Man
A gang of black militants plots to rob a factory to finance their "revolutionary struggle."
Black militants building up an arsenal of weapons in preparation for a race war are betrayed by one of their own.