Marguerite Long
Follows the boundary-pushing Rubinstein as she selects Maurice Ravel to compose the music for her next ballet. Ravel ends up creating his greatest success ever: Boléro.
Tomorrow is Christmas at Vincent and Beatrice Barand's house. Vincent is happy, it's his favorite day. Unfortunately, the whole family cancels at the last minute. Result: no children, no grandchildren... While Beatrice is looking forward to this intimate evening, he is overwhelmed and can't imagine a Christmas together. So he decides to go to a retirement home to invite a lonely resident to join them and share the Christmas spirit. Monique, 85 years old and obsessed with death, arrives... soon followed by Jeanne, a former prison guard with no filter. For all four of them, this December 24th promises to be as explosive as it is unexpected!
Astrid, the wife of a renowned lawyer, has been silenced for 25 years. Her family's equilibrium suddenly collapses when her children start looking for justice.
With his one-eyed eye, his imposing build and his almost sixty years of age, Raphael knows that he scares people. He lives with his mother in a pavilion located on the vast estate of the manor of which he is the guardian. Since the owners died, he leads a quiet existence. Everything changes the night when the heiress, Garance, returns to the family home.
Quando um jovem gigolô cai no feitiço de uma tentadora vigarista, um esquema desonesto começa a ser planejado sob o sol ardente da Riviera Francesa. Em busca de uma vida de luxo, os dois amantes iriam tão longe a ponto de sacrificar o sustento de uma ex-estrela de cinema e de um corretor de imóveis? Paixão, crime, traição dão o tom neste romance cheio de reviravoltas.
Michèle Manceaux
In 1982, Yann Andréa and Marguerite Duras have been living together for two years. She is almost 70 years old, while he is 38 years her junior. Andréa asks journalist and writer Michèle Manceaux to interview him about his life with Duras, an obsession that both impassions him and drives him mad. He believes by entrusting their story to Manceaux, he may gain more clarity of the relationship. What follows is an intense and compelling conversation delving into the deepest recesses of modern love.
A seaside resort in the middle of winter, with its abandoned beach bars and rain-battered alleys, can easily flank the drone. Refugees on the top floor of a building in La Grande Motte, Carole and Richard Lazure have zero morale: swindled by their tax advisor and badly defended by an incompetent lawyer, they lost their business, their house and no longer even enough to buy the essentials. The eruption into their life of a childhood friend of Richard, a talkative talker with questionable dating, could be a game-changer - or make their situation worse.
Antoine, a history teacher in his early 50s, learns that he has become very hard of hearing. Unable to own up to his handicap, he resigns himself to living in his bubble, even though his entourage finds his behavior increasingly odd. His encounter with Claire, widow and mother of a young girl who has stopped speaking, will lead him to open up to the world.
Philip é um famoso escritor dos EUA que vive exilado em Londres. Sua amante vem regularmente vê-lo em seu escritório, um refúgio para os dois. Eles fazem amor, discutem, se reconciliam e conversam por horas sobre mulheres, sexo, antisemitismo, literatura, e de como permanecer fiel a si mesmo.
Self - Interviewee
In eight films, Jacques Audiard has renewed French cinema, without alienating either the critics or the success. It is only at the age of 42 that he starts directing, after having been an editor and a scriptwriter. In 1994, he directed his first film, "Regarde les hommes tomber", whose conflicting shooting was an ordeal for this misanthropic beginner. It was with "Sur mes lèvres", in 2001, that he forged his cinematographic language: contained lyricism, deliberate imperfection of images, ellipses plunging the audience into a maelstrom of sensations. With each of his films, Jacques Audiard intends to renew himself, at the cost of challenges and doubts always more vivid.
Anne Walberg
Para conseguir a guarda da filha, Guillaume vai atrás de um novo emprego que pague um salário melhor. Ele rapidamente é contratado para ser motorista de Anne Walberg, uma perfumista famosa, egoísta e muito exigente com seus funcionários. Apesar dos problemas na relação profissional entre os dois, logo eles percebem que podem aprender um com o outro.
An actor who enjoyed success in his youth finds his career and life in a downward spiral as he gets older.
Amin has come from Senegal to work in France, leaving behind his wife Aïcha, and their three children. He leads a solitary life in France, where the only space he occupies is his home and the building sites on which he works. Most of his earnings are sent to Senegal. One day, he meets a woman, Gabrielle, and a relationship is born.
Where I've never been to live, Francesca's emotional conflicts, 50, is the only daughter of a famous Turin architect, to whom she visits only on rare occasions. For many years, Francesca lives in Paris with her teenage daughter and her husband Benoît, a financier on her sixty, apparently reserved but paternal and protective about her. Due to a domestic accident that forces the elderly father to bed, the woman flees to Turin to take her parents in the design of a villa on a lake for a young couple. At work he meets architect Massimo, his peer-minded career and engaged in an open relationship with independent Sandra. After a tough first approach, Massimo and Francesca create a strong professional tune that leads to a deep and passionate feeling. For the first time in life, both will have to really confront themselves and their most authentic destinies ...
Emmanuelle Blachey
A brilliant and determined female engineer is approached by a network of powerful women with an offer to help become the head of a CAC 40 firm. The conguest, which was at first thrilling, turns to complete war with the men who still dominate.
Um sedutor e intenso romance noir de nossa época, Frank & Lola: Amor Obsessivo é a história de duas pessoas presas em uma batalha de paixão e obsessão. Quando o talentoso chef Frank conhece a aspirante a designer de moda Lola, ele se apaixona instantânea e violentamente. Quando os segredos do passado negro de Lola são revelados, os amantes são atraídos para uma teia de sexo, ciúme e vingança. Com a extraordinária atuação de Michael Shannon e Imagen Poots. Frank & Lola: Amor Obsessivo é uma assombrosa análise de amor, obsessão e dominação que cria uma magia doentia, mas irresistível.
Munida de alguns pertences, um pouco de dinheiro e uma arma, Diane Kramer viaja para Evian. Tudo o que quer é encontrar o motorista da Mercedes marrom que atropelou seu filho e mudou sua vida. Mas o caminho da verdade é mais sinuoso que parece...
A parked car in a housing estate. Inside the car: Ariane and her thirteen-year-old son Thomas. They seem to be on the lookout for someone. When a woman appears in the street, Ariane freezes: will she manage to talk to her?
Simone Veil
29 de novembro de 1974. A Assembleia Nacional francesa adota a lei que legaliza a interrupção voluntária da gravidez. Por trás do texto, divisório, está uma mulher, Simone Veil, rosto único da maioria. Retrospecto dos debates que precederam o voto. Um período durante o qual nada lhe será poupado: solidão, injúrias, armações políticas...
Carole Drissi
Marithé works in a training center for adults. Her mission: to help other people to change direction in their work and to find their vocation. Carole, who lives and works in the shadow cast by her husband, Sam, an energetic and talented Michelin-starred chef, arrives in the center one day. It's not so much a change in job that Carole seems to need, as a change in husband. Marithé does everything she can to help Carole set out down a new path. But what are the real motives behind this devotion? After all, Marithé doesn't seem to be impervious to Sam's charms, or to his cooking.
A couple goes on a hike in the woods, and the woman refuses to return.
She is a psychiatrist. He sells yogurts. They are neighbors of level, they hate each other cordially, and like millions of singles lost in the city, they furtively explore the dating sites in search of love - someone who would be just at the antipodes of this infernal character who saw the door next to it. And when, at the end of the day, they find their soul mates, they do not resist the pleasure of announcing it. History of bowing again ... The last?
La présentatrice télé
Na República Popular Democrática do Bubunne, as mulheres governam o país enquanto os homens usam véus e ficam em casa fazendo as tarefas domésticas. O jovem Jacky se prepara para o Grande Baile, onde a filha do General escolherá um marido. Ele espera ser o sortudo.
Juliette was simply not sure about coming to live in this residential suburb of the greater Paris metropolitan area. All the women here are in their forties, have children to raise, houses to keep and husbands who return home late at night.Today she has an appointment in Paris that is important for her career, but she also has to run errands and pick up the kids from school. During the course of her day, monopolized by petty, everyday tasks, Juliette can feel the noose of domestic obligations and household chores slowly tightening around her neck.
Violette Leduc
No início dos anos XX, a escritora Violette Leduc (Emmanuelle Devos) encontra a filósofa Simone de Beauvoir (Sandrine Kiberlain). Nasce entre as duas uma intensa amizade que dura toda a vida, ao mesmo tempo que Simone encoraja Violette a escrever mais, expondo as suas dúvidas e medos, abordando todos os detalhes da intimidade feminina.
In the short break between performances in Calais, stage actress Alix makes a quick escape to Paris. On the train she meets a mysterious English stranger and, for the most fleeting of afternoons, imagines what the future could hold down a different road.
When their beloved Polish immigrant mother passes away, the sisters Emma (Kiberlain) and Rosemonde (Devos), and their brother, Charles (Berry), are obliged to deal with the personal and physical aftereffects, which include the cozy, old fashioned flat where she lived on the movie’s titular street (located in the heart of Paris’ chic 2nd arrondissement).
Orith Silberg
Prestes a integrar o exército israelense para cumprir seu serviço militar, Joseph descobre que foi trocado na infância com Yacine, filho de uma família palestina da Cisjordânia. A vida das duas famílias se transforma radicalmente com esta descoberta, forçando cada um a reconsiderar seus valores e sua identidade.
La Soeur
Arnaud nicknamed "Cui Cui" no longer knows which way to look. He is about to marry Anna but he is not sure he really loves her. To make matters worse, he falls in love during the stag party he has with his friends. And Léa, a nightclub singer, is obviously the woman of his dreams. What to do? Cancel the wedding and create a scandal but be able to live with a woman he loves truly and loves him in return? Or be a good boy and not disappoint the company but say farewell to happiness. For four days, Arnaud goes to and fro aimlessly between Anna and Léa, between his eccentric sister and his self-centered mother, between hope and depression.
História de uma forte amizade entre um médico e seu paciente. David, 50 anos, é médico dermatologista, apaixonado pela sua profissão, ele trata Roman, 13 anos desde pequeno. O jovem sofre de uma rara doença genética e não pode receber os raios do sol. Ele é uma “criança da lua”. Nada parece poder separá-los, até que David faz uma surpreendente descoberta que mudará para sempre a vida desses dois amigos.
Sophie Lavergne
Sophie é divorciada e mãe de uma menina, Louise. Gérard é viúvo e cria sozinho seu filho, Victor. Sophie e Gérard se conhecem por conta de uma batida de carro. Já seus filhos se conhecem à saída da escola. Dois encontros, duas histórias de amor.
Inspecteur Mangin
Two police detectives investigate the murder of a high-end male prostitute, and his relationship with his girlfriend.
France, present day. A professional conman passes himself off as the boss of a construction site building a highway extension. He cons the whole region, hires dozens of workers and cynically enjoys the profits of his scam until he meets the lady mayor of a small village that the road will go through. She intrigues and unsettles him, before revealing to him a world he never knew: feelings. How far will he go now to save his victims and save himself from his own lies?
By choosing Victor Hugo for his first major theater production, Christophe Honoré surprises and intrigues. Angelo, tyrant of Padua surprises even more: little staged, this piece is almost incongruous. For him, it is a text whose clarity hides many secret doors and dark and ambiguous dungeons
Arthur's mother
As she does every morning, Lucie takes advantage of her journey to work to lose herself for a while in the pages of a good book. And as she does every morning, she joins her colleagues at the office with a smile. It's a working day just like any other. Then suddenly all activity in the office stops. All attention is turned towards the window of the opposite building opposite and abanner reading: Man Alone. Is it a hoax? A cry for help? Everyone has his own interpretation, and will try, by any means possible, to discover what lies behind this mysterious message.
La directrice
A coming-of-age tale about an adolescent boy and his efforts to fit in amongst a varied cast of characters.
Marguerite loses her wallet, and it's found by Georges, a seemingly happy head of family. As he looks through the wallet and examines the photos of Marguerite, he finds he's fascinated with her and her life, and soon his curiosity about her becomes an obsession.
Emilienne d'Alençon
Filme-biografia que mostra a juventude da estilista Chanel e sua fase de aprendizado, além de sua infância no orfanato, o começo de sua vida como modista antes da glória e seus primeiros sucessos. Uma vida cheia de amores e desaforos, intuição e ousadia, muitas verdades ou apenas fantasias são promessas para o documentário.
Faunia, Henri's lover
Quando sua matriarca régia adoece, a problemática família Vuillard se reúne para uma hesitante reunião de Natal. Entre eles está o rebelde Henri e a nervosa Elizabeth. Juntos sob o mesmo teto pela primeira vez em muitos anos, seus ressentimentos e anseios intrincados e há muito negados emergem novamente.
A man endeavors to collect memories of his grandparents who died in a concentration camp during the Holocaust.
Three story-lines run in parallel in a town in Ile de France. Louis, a divorced café proprietor, flirts with every woman he bumps into, but doesn't develop any deeper relationship with them, except a growing affection for Sabine, the prostitute he sees regularly at a local hotel. His sister Agnès is a teacher, and is apparently happily married to Jean-Philippe, but he works very hard and doesn't seem to have been giving her all the affection she needs recently. She bumps into Stéphane, a young man recently returned to the town whom she knew as a child. He is obsessively interested in a young family who live nearby. The film gradually explores the hidden feelings and desires of each of the main characters. Will any of them find happiness?
Eliane Weiss
Everyone knows that Eliane Weiss is dedicated in everything she does, from her husband, to her daughter and pupils. But not everyone knows that she longs for more - more time for her, more fun, more thrills. So when she decides to start working on her passion, writing, and incidentally meets an attractive publisher, everyone is taken by surprise. As their seemingly perfect life starts to fall apart, everyone will have to readjust to the new Eliane Weiss.
Lorraine Grégeois
Bertrand (Vincent Lindon) dutifully visits his terminally ill wife every day, braving the long train and bus ride to and from the hospital. Lorraine (Emmanuelle Devos) not so willingly visits her boyfriend who was diagnosed with colon cancer. They bump into each other during one of their visits and begin to meet for coffee. Coffee turns into Lorraine offering to drive Bertrand to the train station and the two turn to each other in their time of grief and confusion.
A pediatrician's chance encounter with an old acquaintance inspires her ill-timed confession to a past drunken sexual daliance while her husband looks for a parking spot.
Fontaine Leglou
As Gentille opens, Fontaine Leglou is walking down a Paris street, and stops to confront a man whom she suspects is following her. She tells him he looks normal, but she's sorry, she doesn't have time to have coffee with him. When he convincingly protests that he was not following her, she apologizes and asks him to have coffee. Fontaine would seem to have a relatively good life. She works as an anesthetist at a fancy mental hospital, and she's got a live-in Nobel Prize-winning arctic scientist boyfriend, Michel, who seems to love her. But there's clearly something nagging at her. She walks around in a perpetually distracted state, and frequently mistakes other peoples' identities and their intentions. When Michel proposes to her, she needs some time to digest it before she responds.
Agnès Thiriez
Marc decide raspar o bigode que conservou por tantos anos. Supondo que faria surpresa à mulher, aos amigos, aos colegas de trabalho, recebe surpresa em dobro pois ninguém notou diferença. Revoltado com a situação, fica sabendo que há muitos anos não usa bigode. A partir daí, o filme adentra a paranoia do personagem que busca evidências sólidas de sua vida, e põe um mísero bigode no centro de seu universo, como se ele fosse determinante ou não para a presença de Marc no mundo.
Like his father, Tom is a real estate agent who makes his money from dirty, and sometimes brutal, deals. But a chance encounter prompts him to take up the piano and become a concert pianist. He auditions with the help of a beautiful, young virtuoso pianist who cannot speak French - music is their only exchange. But pressures from the ugly world of his day job soon become more than he can handle.
A mulher de Gilles, Elise, que sorri quando pensa nele, cozinha e arruma e alegremente faz amor com ele, suspeita durante a sua terceira gravidez que ele está a ter um caso com a sua irmã mais nova coquete, Victorine. Elise sofre, geralmente em silêncio. Ela ouve os desvarios do marido; ela questiona o padre; ela quebra molduras; ela chora. Ela arranja uma estratégia para ficar com ele. Será que ela vai conseguir?
Nora Cotterelle
Diretora de galeria de arte bem-sucedida passa por uma crise no casamento, não consegue se relacionar bem com o filho, tem o pai em estágio avançado de câncer e reencontra o ex-marido, que ainda ama, com sérios problemas mentais.
Thierry, ethnologue spécialiste des lapons, se rend dans sa Suisse natale avec sa compagne, Sophie, pour assister à l'enterrement de sa grand-mère. Il y retrouve sa famille et découvre qu'il a hérité de deux millions de francs suisses, mais que pour les obtenir il va devoir faire semblant de s'adapter aux valeurs et mode de vie suisse qu'il avait rejeté. Pour ce faire il va accepter une sorte de formation accélérée prodiguée par son cousin suisse Aloïs, qui aurait plutôt des vues sur Sophie.
Gisela von Bingen
Século XI, época das primeiras Cruzadas. Félix tem 15 anos. Encontramo-lo a dormitar debaixo de uma árvore, lutando para se manter acordado. Se adormecer, o frio vai matá-lo. É Inverno e as oliveiras estão geladas. Nos seus joelhos tem um bem de grande valor: um livro encadernado a ouro que conta a história de Guillaume de Montauban, o Maior cavaleiro do Mundo, um caminhante lendário conhecido como o Dragão Vermelho. As páginas do livro flutuam ao vento quando, um soldado de olhar louco surge do bosque, levando-o ao encontro de Guillaume. Começa aqui a grande aventura de Félix. Será que também ele se tornará algum dia num cavaleiro...
Philippe's Wife
As a little girl, Federica fantasized about having beautiful long hair that would grow back as soon as she cut it, about never-ending cones of cotton candy and about countless adventures that took her to the far side of the world. Now a charming thirty-something-single woman, Federica's fantasies have evolved, adding lovers, stardom, and motherhood to her waking dreams, where Federica continues to press for her everyday life to be as real as the fantasies that invade her. Unfortunately, Federica's daydreams can only provide a meager distraction from the reality she faces. Her career as a successful playwright is heading south, her boyfriend is pressuring her to start a family, a former lover wishes to rekindle an old affair, her sister is barely talking to her, her brother is self-centered and her loving father is terminally ill. And as if to make matters worse, Federica is rich, too rich, and the guilt that consumes her because of it is pushing her over the edge.
Bruno, a communist newspaper journalist, is suffering a mid-life crisis. Torn between his wife Gaëlle and his young girlfriend Nathalie, his political beliefs battered by the wind of history, Bruno seems to have lost his bearings.
la jeune femme au cinéma
People and life can be cruel, and in their face, Fannette is cool: toward an old acquaintance, to her daughter, to colleagues. Beneath the surface, she roils with passion for a lost love, Philippe. She watches "An Affair to Remember" again and again, and when she receives a letter from Philippe asking her to meet him atop the Empire State Building, she swoons. She's writing a book on an aged painter, so she organizes a trip to New York ostensibly to secure photographs of some of his pieces. The publisher assigns her a photographer, Matt, on the surface spontaneous and flip, but also aggressive about his attraction to her. Will she be with the one she loves? Will she smile? Written by
Jean-Marc Faure é médico de formação e investigador brilhante na OMS. Marido dedicado e pai extremoso, Jean-Marc mantém igualmente uma relação afetuosa com os seus pais e de proximidade e respeito com os amigos. Pelo menos durante dezoito longos anos todos acreditaram que assim fosse. No entanto, a verdade pode revestir-se de uma devastadora faceta de crueldade e podem revelar-se trágicos os caminhos para dela fugir. E mais dramático será perceber-se que o filme se baseia com rigor numa história verídica ocorrida em França no ainda próximo ano de 1993.
Carla Behm
Carla é uma mulher solitária que sofre com a falta de respeito dos colegas de trabalho. Numa sociedade dominada pelos homens, que tipo de esperança existe para uma deficiente auditiva de 35 anos? A solução é o ex-presidiário Paul, que passa a trabalhar com ela.
Sylvia l'Italienne
A Jewish girl in 19th century London dreams of becoming a stage actress.
A chance meeting with Aie, a waitress with a strange name, will drive a 50 year old neurotic man, Robert, crazy.
Why did Ariane Fisher, a young woman in her thirties, come to the hospital to die without telling anyone? To whom should this disappearance be reported? This is what Alice, the night nurse, and Prudence, the social worker, will try to find in the bag containing the few personal belongings brought by Ariane.
Two middle-aged friends meet a beautiful woman whom they set out to seduce. She invites them but only has eyes for one man: François Mitterrand.
Jonas (Clément Sibony), a 23-year-old dad attempts to carry out an important Jewish tradition: burying the foreskin of his newly circumcised son. The forgetful father only has a few hours to complete the task... but have a group of hit men on his trail won't help matters much.
Arthur is invited to a New Year's Eve party to celebrate the year 2000. His girlfriend Lucie would like a baby from him but he refuses. Through the ceiling of the toilets, he discovers a passage leading to this futurist Paris. There, he meets an old man Ako who affirms he is his son and that he wants to exist. Otherwise he will vanish into the air. Arthur is still hesitant because his life is an unfulfilled one: a has a little lucrative job, is uncertain about his future and things are getting out of hand when Ako discovers the passage and interferes in the party.
Raphaëlle André / Wife
Raphaëlle André is a brillant lawyer. The enigmatic death of her husband lead her into an investigation where she discovers new sides of the life of her late husband.
Marie-France Victoire
A low-income housing estate in the south of France, at the time of the soccer World Cup. The daughter of the leader of an extreme right-wing party sets out to discover the world of the fans.
The philosophy teacher
We follow how four ordinary little girls learn about life, love and all that sort of things.
O filme conta a história de sua juventude, enquanto ela era guiada e protegida por seu pai, o pintor Orazio Gentileschi. Sua curiosidade profissional sobre a anatomia masculina, proibida para seus olhos, levam-na ao conhecimento do prazer sexual. Mas ela também foi bem conhecida porque, em 1612, ela teve que se apresentar à corte, devido à suspeita de estupro cometida por Agostino Tassi, seu professor.
The trials and tribulations of a good guy who feels obliged to confess the truth to his wife or his boss every time he makes a mistake.
Qui n'a pas connu le stress d'un déménagement ? Surtout quand on est un jeune écrivain comme Alain, sur le point de quitter une bonne maison d'édition pour écrire un sitcom pour la télévision, que sa femme est sur le point d'accoucher et de surcroît quand les déménageurs sont des Roumains qui travaillent au noir et qu'ils n'ont pas vraiment le sens de la ponctualité...
This taut psychological chiller tells the twisted story of Anna, a woman living in Paris, whose dreams of her Venetian counterpart, a secretive young woman who lives in a fine palace with her brother and an enigmatic older man, become frighteningly real. Anna's world begins coming apart after she is picked up by the police for witnessing an awful crime she cannot remember seeing. When she realizes that her dream alter-ego is trying to kill her, only her lover Marc's calming and supportive influence can save her from madness.
The engagement of a young couple is spoiled by the antics of their relatives.
Paul Dedalus is at a crossroads in his life. He has to make several decisions; should he complete his doctorate, does he want to become a full professor, does he really love his long-standing girlfriend, or should he re-start with one of his other lovers?
Nathalie is together with Antoine, who really loves her, despite of her obvious tendency go get away from him. Eric, the former partner of Nathalie, does not want to be with her anymore, but she can not accept this. In her dispair she tortures herself, Antoine, and Eric. She even suggests Eric to get married. However, she must accept that things are as they are, even if you don't like it, and finally tries to get back to Antoine.
There is a lot of tension and resentment in Romain's and Jeanne's marriage, but their divorce is amicable. They seem to agree on how to raise their daughter, Madeleine - she will live with her mother and spend every other week-end with her father. But Romain is very controlling and manipulative and is poisoning the arrangement. At first, Jeanne seems to cope with being a single parent, but when she has to put up with Romain's tactics she starts to fall apart.
Ariel, a young French Jew, decides to leave his family to go to Israel and secretly become an agent of Mossad, the Israeli secret service. After years of training, his first mission is in Paris to steal secrets from Remy Prieur, a French atomic scientist.
A medical intern finds himself drawn into a world of international intrigue after discovering a shrunken human head in his luggage.
Laurence O'Madden Burke
A young woman convenes with her extended family in a provincial village where her cousin, in a coma, is hospitalized after attempting suicide.
Cécile thinks one thing and its opposite. She wants one thing and its opposite. She doesn't know what she thinks or what she wants. So she talks about one thing and its opposite.
In 1913, two French women, Madeleine Mignon-Alba and Marguerite Mespoulet, traveled to Ireland to create what are widely believed to be the first color photographs of the country.
In 1913, two French women, Madeleine Mignon-Alba and Marguerite Mespoulet, traveled to Ireland to create what are widely believed to be the first color photographs of the country.