After living in Europe for several years, Ziad returns to visit his family in his North Lebanon hometown at the Syrian border. When he arrives, the tension is palpable. Ziad tries to reconnect with his family.
Beirute. Toni é um cristão libanês que sempre rega as plantas de sua varanda e um dia, acidentalmente, acaba molhando Yasser, um refugiado palestino. Assim começa um desacordo que evolui para julgamento e toma dimensão nacional.
Desperate to escape Lebanon and settle in Europe, Lillo buys himself a Syrian passport and is ready to appropriate the Syrian identity to obtain asylum. However, what he might not be ready for yet, is everything that comes along with being a Syrian refugee today.
Atafeh e Shireen vivem um romance proibido com o agravante de viverem no Irã, onde as mulheres são tratadas sem nenhum respeito. Elas sofrem diversos tipos de repressão, inclusive por conta de Mehran, irmão de Atafeh, um ex-viciado, convertido ao Islamismo e obcecado por Shireen.
During a riot, a man attempts to find shelter inside a family's home. However, he soon realizes that his life is more in danger inside the house, rather than outside.