Luis Diego Pedreira


La virgen gaucha
Production Design
The parallel accounts of the story of the Virgin of Luján in the seventeenth century and of a blind violinist who regains her vision during the Pope's visit to Argentina in 1982
Tangos: O Exílio de Gardel
Costume Design
Paris, 1980. Um grupo de artistas argentinos se refugia no país, como forma de fazer frente aos duros tempos da ditadura militar argentina. Lá eles enfrentam todas as dificuldades típicas que assolam os latino-americanos para se estabelecerem nos chamados países do primeiro mundo. Na solidão do exílio, buscam conexão com sua identidade e cultura através de apresentações de tango e se empenham na montagem do espetáculo Tanguedia (tango + tragédia + comedia): “O Exílio de Gardel”.
Tangos: O Exílio de Gardel
Production Design
Paris, 1980. Um grupo de artistas argentinos se refugia no país, como forma de fazer frente aos duros tempos da ditadura militar argentina. Lá eles enfrentam todas as dificuldades típicas que assolam os latino-americanos para se estabelecerem nos chamados países do primeiro mundo. Na solidão do exílio, buscam conexão com sua identidade e cultura através de apresentações de tango e se empenham na montagem do espetáculo Tanguedia (tango + tragédia + comedia): “O Exílio de Gardel”.
Keep Waiting for Me
Costume Designer
Juan remembers his childhood spent during the fifties in Argentina, when he lived doubts, fears and conflicts typical of the passage towards adolescence, surrounded by his family and the neighbors of the neighborhood
Keep Waiting for Me
Production Designer
Juan remembers his childhood spent during the fifties in Argentina, when he lived doubts, fears and conflicts typical of the passage towards adolescence, surrounded by his family and the neighbors of the neighborhood
El señor presidente
Set Designer
The novel of a poor young man
Production Design
A young man is forced for economic reasons to work as a ranch in the south of Argentina and there he tries to conquer a rich heiress.
The novel of a poor young man
Art Direction
A young man is forced for economic reasons to work as a ranch in the south of Argentina and there he tries to conquer a rich heiress.
El hombre invisible ataca
Set Decoration