Nasim Ahmadpour

Nasim Ahmadpour


Nasim Ahmadpour
Nasim Ahmadpour


A Fleeting Encounter
In the middle of a midlife crisis, Sacha leaves his girlfriend and moves into his grandparents' Airbnb. There he meets Marjan, a married Iranian woman. The involuntary encounter becomes a moment of new possibilities.
Crime Culposo
Na noite de 19 de agosto de 1978, quatro homens incendiaram o Cinema Rex, na cidade de Abadan, matando mais de 400 pessoas que assistiam a uma projeção de “The Deer”, de Masoud Kimiai. Marco da revolta popular que meses depois derrubaria o governo monárquico, o episódio traumático é revisitado em um jogo ficcional labiríntico que imagina a repetição do crime na sala escura. Ao vislumbrar o risco do infinito na história iraniana, o filme circunscreve o cinema como um protagonista ao mesmo tempo incontornável e desconcertante.
Invasion To Interpretation
"Invasion To Interpretation" is the title of the performance lecturer that Nasim Ahmadpour performed in 2018 during the Fajr International Theater Festival in the off-stage section and in the conference hall. This video has been designed on the sidelines of the making and showing of the film "Invasion" Directed by Shahram Mokri.
Someone’s been murdered and the police is investigating in a stadium, the crime spot. They have arrested the murder suspect and they just try to find out the murdering procedure, however, it is quite complicated and the friends of the murdered person are not to be very collaborative.