Keith Ross Leckie


Assassino Oficial
O oficial da Força Aérea Canadense, Coronel Williams, e sua esposa eram considerados um dos casais mais respeitados e poderosos da alta sociedade. Mas em fevereiro de 2010, o coronel foi preso sob a acusação de invadir várias casas e roubar roupas íntimas femininas e fotos privadas. Apesar de ter tido o cuidado de não deixar nenhum rastro, um detetive da polícia local e um agente do FBI conseguem desmascará-lo e pôr um ponto final em um dos casos mais perturbadores da história do Canadá.
Uma psicóloga decide trabalhar em um hospício, mas para seu desespero logo descobre que ela na verdade é uma paciente.
To Walk with Lions
Drama based loosely on the final years of Kenya game warden and lion-raiser George Adamson's life. An unofficial sequel to 'Born Free' (1966) and 'Living Free' (1972), which also dramatised the life of Adamson, this film picks up the life of George (Richard Harris) on the African wildlife preserve he runs with the help of his brother Terrence (Ian Bannen). When drifter Tony Fitzjohn (John Michie) arrives to work for the old men he initially takes poorly to the task, almost savaged by a lion on his first day and on the verge of leaving when he hears that his predecessor was killed in a similar incident. The arrival of a lion cub that Fitzjohn must care for and raise changes everything. Soon he finds himself helping the brothers in their fight to save lions - and, ultimately, the park itself - from the poachers, soldiers and corrupt government officials that threaten them.
The Arrow
The story of the Avro Arrow, the world's fastest fighter plane built in 1950's Canada, and how the project was dropped due to political pressure from the United States.
Heritage Minutes: Avro Arrow
Canadian aerospace scientists design and test the world's fastest and most advanced interceptor aircraft.
In the Line of Duty: The Price of Vengeance
A detective is assassinated by a black gang. Now his friend is trying to find the killer.
Deadly Betrayal: The Bruce Curtis Story
A "true crime" docu-drama: in July 1982, Al and Rosemary Podgis were shot dead in their home in New Jersey. Rosemary's son Scott and his Canadian high-school friend Bruce Curtis were charged with their murder. Scott confesses to deliberately shooting his stepfather Al, but Bruce insists that his shooting of Rosemary was accidental.
Where the Spirit Lives
In 1937, a young First Nations (Canadian native) girl named Ashtecome is kidnapped along with several other children from a village as part of a deliberate Canadian policy to force First Nations children to abandon their culture in order to be assimilated into white Canadian/British society. She is taken to a boarding school where she is forced to adopt Western Euro-centric ways and learn English, often under brutal treatment. Only one sympathetic white teacher who is more and more repelled by this bigotry offers her any help from among the staff. That, with her force of will, Ashtecome (forced to take the name Amelia) is determined to hold on to her identity and that of her siblings, who were also abducted.
Lost in the Barrens
The story of two very different boys in the Canadian wilderness. They must learn to depend on each other in order to survive.
The story of an Olympic high jumper, played by Brent Carver, who loses his leg and yet doggedly persists in his pursuit of athletic glory. Released a year before Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope, this made-for-Canadian-TV movie, which also stars Sex and the City's Kim Cattrall, has been described as a tear-jerker.