Lynsey Miller


Doing Money
A young Romanian woman is snatched in broad daylight from a London street, trafficked to Ireland and used as a sex slave in a series of pop-up brothels. Her shocking true story offers a tense and thought-provoking thriller exposing how, in modern Britain, slavery can hide in plain sight.
The Boy with the Topknot
Born to traditional Punjabi parents and growing up in Wolverhampton, Sathnam Sanghera moves to London after graduating from Cambridge University. Now in his late 20s he is planning to reveal to his family that he will defy expectations of an arranged marriage - but instead learns a painful family secret.
Lizard Girl
Sam, a 10-year-old girl who suffers with Asperger's Syndrome, overcomes her struggle to make friends through the kindness of another child.
Jane Eyre
Production Coordinator
Jane Eyre deixa Thornfield House, onde trabalha como governanta do abastado Edward Rochester. À medida que reflecte sobre as pessoas e emoções que a definiram, fica claro que essa vivência isolada e imposta - e a frieza de Mr. Rochester - foram um incrível teste à sua capacidade de recuperação, forjada anos antes quando ficou órfã. Terá agora de actuar decisivamente a fim de assegurar o seu próprio futuro e pacificar-se com o passado que a persegue – e o terrível segredo que Mr. Rochester esconde e que ela desvendou…