Hassan Zandi


A Vaca
Production Manager
Em uma pequena aldeia no Irã, Hassan preza sua vaca mais do que tudo no mundo. Enquanto ele está fora, a vaca morre misteriosamente. Para proteger Hassan, os aldeões tentam convencê-lo de que a vaca se perdeu. Aflito, ele começa a acreditar que é seu próprio bovino.
The Death of a Tale
"The film was one of the most controversial films and makes positives and opposite comments around it. i asked nassib so many times that send me a copy of film to me but he didn't have copy of that. Iranian state television, did not consider his request. I knew there is one copy of film in Cinematheque Francaise... Henri Langlois, director and founder of Cinematheque Francaise who one of the main characters in cinema, loves that film. Nassib went to pairs for representation his film, (This only goes to travel abroad). "