Peter Schneider

Peter Schneider

Nascimento : 1975-01-01, Leipzig, Germany


Peter Schneider


What You Can See from Here
On a beautiful spring day, a small village full of eccentric characters wake up to hear Selma has had a premonition: she dreamt of a rare animal again – an okapi. All the village knows this means someone is about to die. Selma’s granddaughter, 11-year-old Luise, and her best friend Martin look on as fears of being the victim of the prophecy throw the village into a frenzy of confusion. But when the premonition comes true, it is young Luise’s world that is suddenly turned upside down. Ten years on from the event that changed her life, Luise lives a quiet life working in a bookstore, until the arrival of an unexpected guest enables her to rediscover how powerful and life-giving love can be.
In a Land That No Longer Exists
Klaus Schulz
It's 1989 in East Berlin: Suzie is kicked out of school shortly before she graduates from high school and has to defend herself as a worker in the cable factory. However, a randomly taken photo leads them to the fashion world of the GDR. The editor-in-chief Elsa Wilbrodt put them on the cover of Sibylle, the fashion magazine of the GDR. In the Berlin underground scene she made the acquaintance of the gay fashion designer Rudi and the photographer Coyote. Suzie must decide if she's brave enough to leave the old strands behind forever.
3 1/2 Hours
Rudolph Hoffmann
August 13, 1961: The passengers on the interzonal train from Munich to East Berlin learn 3½ hours before crossing the border that the Wall is being built in Berlin. They have 3½ hours to make a life-changing decision: to get off the train or keep going.
A Luta
Após a morte de sua esposa, o chef Cheng viaja com seu filho para uma aldeia remota na Finlândia a convite de um velho amigo que conheceu em Xangai. Mas ninguém na aldeia parece conhecer o tal amigo, então a dona do café local oferece alojamento a Cheng em troca de ajuda na cozinha. O chef acaba surpreendendo os moradores locais com as delícias da culinária chinesa e, com o tempo, passa a se conectar com os finlandeses, se tornando um membro célebre da comunidade. Quando o visto de Cheng fica prestes a expirar, cabe aos moradores traçar um plano para ajudá-lo a ficar.
Facing Krampus
During her internship in a remote clinic in the Allgäu region, the young psychology student Lea immerses herself in a mysterious world of unorthodox therapy methods and demonic traditions.
Für immer Sommer 90
Danowski - Blutapfel
Oliver Wiebusch
In Hamburg's Elbtunnel, a man is shot in the middle of a traffic jam in his car. The murder victim obviously belonged to a group trying to discover abandoned places first. The investigators suspect an act of revenge by a competitor.
Unterm Birnbaum
After the death of their child, the Hradschek couple consoled themselves with gambling and shopping orgies. After the creditor increases the pressure on them, Ursel and Abel decide to kill him.
Transtorno Explosivo
Erzieher Fabio
Benni é uma menina de nove anos revoltada, agressiva e imprevisível. A garota foi expulsa de todas as escolas onde estudou e não vive com a mãe, que tem medo dela. O serviço social contrata Micha, uma especialista em controle de raiva, para acompanhar Benni na escola.
Camping mit Herz
Werner Brunner
Wolfsland - Das heilige Grab
Lutz Büttner
Der Usedom-Krimi: Mutterliebe
Stefan Thiel
Geisterschiff - Der Usedomkrimi
Stephan Thiel
Winterlicht - Der Usedom-Krimi
Stefan Thiel
Der Besuch
Claras Vater
Klaus works voluntary as a Santa Claus in a shopping mall. After an exhausting day, he considers to hang up his job. But then, he gets a call from the children's intensive care unit.
The real life story of East German singer and writer Gerhard Gundermann and his struggles with music, life as a coal miner and his dealings with the secret police (STASI) of the GDR.
"Kruso" tells of the last summer before the Wall came down on the small island of Hiddensee in the Baltic Sea. Beyond state-organized tourism, the isolated island became a kind of artist colony every year and a place of longing for dropouts and alternatives. Due to its proximity to Denmark, Hiddensee was also the starting point for the flight across the Baltic Sea.
Sex, Pity and Loneliness
Uwe König
A shoe theft in the ICE is the prelude to a wild kaleidoscope of relationships and dependencies between different urban people who relish as in a cobweb fidget.
Die Stille danach
Michael Rohm
Paula Rom and her family live in the suburb of a small city - happily and approved by society. Their average and inconspicuous life changes totally, when her 15 years old son shoots ten of his classmates and kills himself afterwards. From that day nothing is how it used to be. The whole family has to struggle with the anger and sorrow of the people around them. They need to deal with the assassination and the circumstances, how it could come to the disaster out of nowhere.
Queen of the Night
Ludwig Scholz
Inge and Ludwig are full-time farmers in the Black Forest, with dairy cows and a dairy. Everything organic, all the highest quality. Despite the hard work, it is a fulfilling life. Would not it be the financial situation. As much as the two work, the debts devour them, the farm is endangered. Inge decides to look for a part-time job. When the opportunity arises to start with an escort service, she gets involved. And the plan works. But the relationship is put to the test when one of Inge's clients falls in love with her and the situation escalates.
Schandfleck - Der Usedom-Krimi
Stefan Thiel
Um ex-campeão de boxe da Alemanha Oriental e Olímpico agora está em tempos difíceis. Está treinando jovens boxeadores no ginásio local, fazendo shows ocasionais e trabalhando também como cobrador para um agiota. De repente, é forçado a refletir sobre sua vida quando é diagnosticado com uma doença fatal.
Nu Entre Lobos
André Höfel
No final de março de 1945, no campo de concentração Buchenwald, o prisioneiro Hans Pippig descobre em uma mala uma criança judia escondida. Se denunciar a criança de 3 anos com certeza morrerá. Por outro lado, a violação de regras do campo ameaçaria a longa preparação para a revolta dos prisioneiros contra a SS.
Enquanto Estávamos Sonhando
Trinker Thilo
Daniel, Mark, Rico, Pitbull e Paul são um grupo de amigos da Alemanha Oriental. Juntos, eles crescem e vivenciam o início dos anos 1990, os primeiros da Alemanha unificada, quando tudo parece possível. Daniel se apaixona, Rico se destaca como pugilista, e os dois conhecem Starlet, a menina mais bonita que já tinham visto. Eles vão para festas, se rebelam, trabalham em um clube de música techno, fogem de neonazistas, de seus pais e do futuro. Amadurecem em um tempo de anarquia.
Open the Wall
Jürgen Wiese
A lighthearted look at the opening of the border crossing of Bornholmer Straße in Berlin from the point of view of the confused border guards.
The Usedom Thriller: Mörderhus
Stefan Thiel
Former public prosecutor Karin Lossow is released from prison after several years in prison. She had once shot her husband with her daughter Julia's service weapon because he had slept with another woman. To the surprise of her probation officer and her daughter, she does not move into a new apartment in Rostock as planned, but returns to her home in Usedom in the "Mörderhus". Not only to the displeasure of her daughter, who has not yet been able to forgive her mother for what she did. Karin has to put up with derogatory looks and comments from the islanders. She herself sees Usedom as a second chance for her life and soon has a good connection to her environmentally conscious granddaughter Sophie, who supports her with legal tips during a protest. Karin also finds work in a bison enclosure, takes care of the animals and controls entry. Julia has to clear up the death of Thomas Krenzlin. The young paraplegic man is found drowned in the water.
Duas Irmãs, Uma Paixão
Christian Gottfried Körner
O filme acompanha a história do triângulo amoroso das irmãs Caroline (Hannah Herzsprung) e Charlotte (Henriette Confurius) com o escritor Friedrich Schiller (Florian Stetter). As irmãs sempre foram muito próximas e amigas uma da outra, e partilhavam de um coração e alma muito interligados. Com a chegada de Schiller, as duas se veem presas a um mesmo amor, e são levadas pelo escritor, que se apaixona pelas duas igualmente. Carolline é casada, mas vive uma vida infeliz com o marido, e encontra em Schiller seu conforto. Já Charlotte vivia sonhando com um bom marido, e vê igualmente em Schiller o homem de sua vida. Os três começam a viver um romance juntos, mas os laços das irmãs podem não ser tão fortes para sustentar essa situação.
Ihr und eure Welt
Short film about family relations.
Jedes Jahr im Juni
Gregor Pohl
Each year in June, Bavarian housewife Elke Richter visits family in Halle, in the GDR. There she meets family friend Gregor Pohl, a married carpenter, and they begin having an affair. After her family stops the annual visits due to the husband's promotion in the communist regime, the adulterous couple arranges to meet on other holidays. After Gorbachev's Glasnost leads to the fall of the Iron Curtain, everything changes, and Gregor chooses to emigrate to Canada.
Hut in the Woods
Martin Blunt
Two misfit males, one man-child, one boy, find each other, building a small cabin in the woods to create a new life. Their daily struggle for survival creates a strong bond between them until the hut is destroyed and one of the boys carted off. The former psychiatric patient is told that his friend was just a figment of his imagination, but this provokes him to fight back and prove the boy's existence.
Drei Patienten
Patient 2 - Verkehrsunfall
My Words, My Lies - My Love
Ron Keller
David, a waiter, finds an unpublished manuscript in a dresser drawer. To impress a girl, he claims to be the author. When the novel becomes a best-seller, the real author introduces himself and begins to take over David's life.
Berlin Calling
DJ Ickarus está no auge e conquistando fãs pelo mundo inteiro, mas sua carreira precisa de uma pausa quando ele é internado por causa das drogas.
O Grupo Baader Meinhof
Gerhard Müller
A ascensão e o declínio do notório grupo terrorista alemão, a Fração do Exército Vermelho – um grupo de radicais que organizou bombardeios, roubos, sequestros e assassinatos no final dos anos 1960 e 1970, trazendo o caos à Alemanha do pós-guerra. Baseado no best-seller de não ficção de Stefan Aust.
Schröders wunderbare Welt
Frank Schröder
Heimat Fragments: The Women
Lulu, the daughter of musician Hermann Simon, is looking for something she feels is missing from her life. She delves into the past and is transported to the lives of her ancestors via dreamlike sequences that show the hopes and realities of her female relations over the course of an entire century. Heimat Fragments is an intoxicating trip into the lives of venerable characters from different periods in Lulu's family history, from long-forgotten scenes of war to every day family life on the farm. This gripping film shows fragments of the lives that shaped her own. Her gaze into the past does not simply signal the end of her youth, it means the beginning of a newly gained freedom.
Detektive oder Die glücklosen Engel der inneren Sicherheit
Fantasia: The Making of a Masterpiece
Making of documentary from the 50th Anniversary.
The Black Spider
Based on the story by Jeremas Gotthelf, this horror film direct by Mark M. Rissi features the hallucinations of a woman after a drug raid gone.