Katsumi Itou


Katsumi Itou is a sound effects creator. He is the founder and the representative director of Swara Production and Three S Studio. Prior to creating Swara Pro, he worked at Ishida Sound Production (now Fizz Sound Creation).


Siren the Ghost Story Again
Disappearances... What if a magical fairy beyond human knowledge is lurking in the shadows of incidents that could occur in our daily lives? Mysterious disappearances and slaughters in a seemingly peaceful and ordinary port town are so bizarre that all the bodies found have been mummified. Detective Junpei investigates this mysterious case. His father, who was also a detective, disappeared 20 years ago while investigating another strange case.
The Guyver: Bio-Booster Armor
Sound Effects
Sho and his friend Tetsurou stumble upon an odd alien artifact while walking through the woods. Then, the alien artifact breaks free of its metallic bonds and enters Sho's body, turning him into the Guyver. With this new power, Sho must do battle with the evil Chronos corporation and their genetically enhanced Zoanoids, who seek to get the Guyver back into their labs. No one close to Sho is safe from Chronos. He must fight.
Holey Pants: Desire on a Stroll
Sound Effects
A collection of short stories, all of which are perverted to various degrees.
Roots Search
Sound Effects
When a research crew in deep space discovers the desolate ship "Green Planet" that warps into their area, they encounter Buzz, the commander and sole surivor of the ship. Being too incapacitated to make them aware of the situation of his ship, the research team will soon discover that they have found something far, far worse...
Terror em Love City
Sound Effects
No futuro, garota dotada de poderes extra-sensoriais foge com cyborg, para escapar de inimigos que querem tê-la como aliada a fim de tirar proveito de sua extraordinária capacidade.
Arei's Mirror ~ Way to Virgin Space
Sound Effects
Meguru and Mayu are two future-wanderers hoping to find the mythical Mirror of Arei that is said to allow all who glimpse it to pass beyond the edge if the universe. Highjacked by renegade android Zero, the trio joins forces when they realise that they are all searching for the same thing.
As Aventuras de Leda
Sound Effects
Yoko está apaixonada, mas tem medo de confessar seus sentimentos e, para isso, ela compôs uma música contendo todos seus sentimentos. Para sua consternação, a canção que ela escreveu age como um portal que liga seu mundo e o mundo de Ashanti. O governante de Ashanti quer sua canção para abrir um portal para o mundo de Yoko e, assim, levar seu colossal castelo e seu exército para dominar a Terra. Usando os artefatos deixados para trás pelo lendário guerreiro que Leda profetizou a sua chegada, Yoko e seus novos amigos devem parar a ambição do tirano e retornar ambos os mundos para o seu lugar e um bom equilíbrio.
Sound Effects
Life on apocalypse Aqualoid proceeds humorously and grandiosely; Nam's new sword starts attracting aggressive Inorganics, however, endangering him, Rasa, friends and the whole planet.
Tale of the Earth
Sound Effects
A youngster, Wil had a dissatisfaction to the society which the computer controls the total life of a person. One day he catches a strange telepathy from outer space.
Futari no onna
Sound Effects
After Emiko, a bookstore owner, is driven to suicide by loan sharks, her orphaned son Eisuke decides to take his revenge on them. As Eisuke has no relatives, he is taken in by Keiko, who keeps an eye out for him due to his unusual behavior. One day, Eisuke breaks into the loan company with an improvised gun. In the moment, Keiko ends up becoming Eisuke's accomplice and helps him succeed in the robbery. However, the two are surprised when they hear something on the TV news that differs from the truth.
Sound Effects
Aochi, um professor universitário de alemão, encontra com seu antigo colega Nakasago quando viaja de férias para um vilarejo à beira-mar. Nakasago vive como nômade e é perseguido por um grupo local, acusado de ter seduzido e assassinado a mulher de um pescador. Depois que Aochi resolve a situação do amigo com a polícia, os dois jantam e conversam sobre a vida, acompanhados pela gueixa Koine. Seis meses depois, Aochi volta para visitar o amigo e descobre que ele está casado com Sono, uma mulher incrivelmente parecida com Koine. Repentinamente, Nakasago foge com Koine, abandonando Sono, que está grávida. Mas tudo pode ser sonho, delírio ou realidade. Acompanhando a trama, a peça musical “Zigeunerweisen” (1878), de Pablo de Sarasate, toca com insistência. Primeiro filme da “trilogia de Taisho,” que faz referência ao Japão dos anos 1910-1920, foi vencedor de quatro prêmios da Academia Japonesa em 1981, incluindo os de Melhor Filme e Melhor Diretor.