Ellen Powell


Bastidores da Guerra
Filme tem como foco o presidente americano Lyndon B. Johnson, cujo governo ficou marcado pela Guerra do Vietnã, na década de 60.
Star Trek: Insurreição
No planeta Ba'ku, apenas 600 habitantes, uma estação arqueológica da Federação em conjunto com a raça So'na é atacada pelo tenente-comandante Data, enviado para observações. Mandado para investigar, Picard recebe a ordem de atacar o planeta, mas ele decide revoltar-se. O motivo do ataque: os So'na e a Federação querem a fonte da juventude que existe em Ba'ku.
Alien Nation: The Udara Legacy
Matt and George investigate a series of strange occurrences involving newcomers, who are found to be programmed to carry out someone's dirty work. The method by which they are brainwashed dates back to the slave ship's rebellion group, the Udara, who, we discover, Susan was a part of. Susan and George's lives are further disrupted when Buck enrols in the police academy.
Alien Nation: The Enemy Within
When detectives Sikes and Francisco are presented with the mysterious death of an Eeno, Matt is stupefied to discover that George rudely snubs the case. He, like most newcomers, reviles the outcast Eenos. As the case unfolds, George has to reassess his prejudices, and George's family help save the city from an alien threat originating in an Eeno waste disposal facility.
Hollywood Without Make-Up
A collection of behind the scenes and home movies from the golden age of Hollywood.