Patrick Dunnam


Pânico no Lago 2
Sound Effects Editor
Na seqüência do clássico terror cômico de Pânico No Lago, o chefe de polícia local se une a um cientista paleontólogo de Nova York para achar o monstro que anda rondando a cidade. Eles logo descobrem que não estão procurando somente um crocodilo gigante, mas sim, três !!! Adicione ainda um excêntrico filantropo com uma queda por "Crocs" e uma eremita local.
Reign of the Gargoyles
Sound Effects Editor
During World War 2 a group of brave US Airmen are downed in Nazi controlled Europe, after their aircraft is attacked by Nazi-controlled mythological Gargoyles.
Sound Effects Editor
King Higlack of the Gauths entrusts prince Finn and a fire ball weapon to his champion, slayer Beowulf. They lead twelve men on a mission to help king Hrothgar of the Danes, whose once glorious realm is terrorized by the undefeated monster Grendel. The task is made more difficult as Hrothgar kept gruesome secrets.