Animation Director
In a heavily polluted world, a young woman mourns the disappearance of animal species. When she falls ill due to a bacterial infection, nature appears to send her a message in her hallucinations.
Original Music Composer
In a heavily polluted world, a young woman mourns the disappearance of animal species. When she falls ill due to a bacterial infection, nature appears to send her a message in her hallucinations.
In a heavily polluted world, a young woman mourns the disappearance of animal species. When she falls ill due to a bacterial infection, nature appears to send her a message in her hallucinations.
In a heavily polluted world, a young woman mourns the disappearance of animal species. When she falls ill due to a bacterial infection, nature appears to send her a message in her hallucinations.
A reconstruction of the first days of May 1940 for Truus and her mother Aartje in the heart of Rotterdam.
A reconstruction of the first days of May 1940 for Truus and her mother Aartje in the heart of Rotterdam.
A reconstruction of the first days of May 1940 for Truus and her mother Aartje in the heart of Rotterdam.
A reconstruction of the first days of May 1940 for Truus and her mother Aartje in the heart of Rotterdam.
A reconstruction of the first days of May 1940 for Truus and her mother Aartje in the heart of Rotterdam.
You get up at five, eat your vitamins, take some water with your coffee, work for a few hours, eat your omegas and flavonoids, work a little more, get some exercise and then take a shower. But don't bother trying to wash the sand out of your hair.