Town Boy #1
During a bitter family feud, Jodie Hatfield, and her boyfriend Ricky McCoy, decide to leave town to avoid being found out, but are soon caught in the act. Wanting vengeance, he seeks out the monster Pumpkinhead, and resurrects it seek revenge on the family. Despite being warned away by the ghost of Ed Harley, his vengeance plan starts out, and the Hatfield family is soon under siege by the powerful demon. Not accepting the legend of the creature and believing their arch-rivals are the real cause, the two families attempt to go to war, only to be stopped when Pumpkinhead attacks the Hatfield house. Putting aside their differences, they band together to stave off the creature before it's vengeance pact is completed.
Jake Garrison
Julian, Zeke e sua turma são alunos típicos do último ano do 2o Grau gozando de suas vidas como adolescentes comuns. Até que Zeke sofre um acidente de motocicleta e vai parar num hospital, de onde desaparece misteriosamente. Quando a busca, todas as pistas levam para a mega empresa Hybratech. Numa tentativa de resgate, eles mal percebem que a Hybratech está conduzindo experiências em seres humanos com um composto químico modificado chamado “Trioxyn-5”.