Dinah Stabb

Nascimento : , England, UK


Dinah Stabb has been a professional actress since 1970. She has been a member of the National Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company also performing at The Royal Court, Hampstead Theatre, Royal Exchange Manchester and West Yorkshire Playhouse.


Lost Woman
A devastating loss finds three men in a boat through the English countryside.
O Pior Trabalho do Mundo
Lena Snow
Um ambicioso executivo de uma gravadora, Aaron Green, tem que fazer o que parece ser uma tarefa fácil: acompanhar uma estrela de rock, Aldous Snow, até o Teatro Grego de Los Angeles para a o primeiro show de uma turnê. Mas Snow tem outros planos. Sabendo que seu grande amor está na Califórnia, o roqueiro quer reconquistá-la e pode acabar deixando o show em segundo plano.
Ripley no Limite
Depois que seu amigo, um jovem artista de renome, é assassinado, um homem habilidoso que mora em Londres encobre o crime e tenta manter o nome do amigo a salvo na tentativa de tirar proveito de sua herança e colher milhões no processo.
Nunca Te Amei
Jane Frobisher
Após lecionar 18 anos em uma escola preparatória na Inglaterra, Andrew Crocker-Harris (Albert Finney), um enérgico e pouco amigável professor de latim e grego, é forçado a se aposentar. O pretexto é que sua saúde não está boa, sendo que ele não receberá aposentadoria. Além disto Andrew é visto pelos alunos como o "Hitler do 5º" e seu casamento está no fim, pois Laura (Greta Scacchi), sua esposa, lhe é infiel com Frank Hunter (Matthew Modine), outro professor.
The Whistle Blower
A war veteran tries to investigate the murder of his son who was working as a Russian translator for the British intelligence service during the Cold War. He meets a web of deception and paranoia that seems impenetrable...
Artemis '81
Gwen Meredith
Paranormal novelist Gideon Harlax is drawn into a battle between the forces of good, represented by alien angel Helith, and the forces of evil, represented by Helith's evil brother Asrael. Ranging from Oxford to Denmark, a North Sea ferry to an alien planet, Harlax unwittingly becomes part of an ancient plot that may result in the destruction of Earth...
The Trespasser
Adapted from the D. H. Lawrence novel this tells the romantic story of Siegmund and Helena. Siegmund, an orchestral violinist who is married with three children, has tutored Helena for several years and they've fallen in love but he will not leave his wife or consummate their passion physically. Helena arranges for them to go on an idyllic holiday to the Isle of Wight, hoping that will convince Siegmund to break away from his marriage and they can be together.
Riddles of the Sphinx
Mulvey's readings of the myth of Oedipus and the sphinx are layered atop 360º panning shots of various locales; the protagonist appears in elliptically-edited sequences.
The Emergency Channel
Dean has a rare talent. He can be made happy. He exudes happiness and confidence like a rare blossom. Both Sarah in the past, and Julia now, could do this for him. But where are they now that he is alone in Battersea Park with two suitcases and no memory?
O Uivo da Bruxa
In seventeenth century England Lord Whitman wages unending war on what he sees as the ever-present scourge of witchcraft, and many local villagers have suffered at his hands. But one victim uses her occult powers to curse his family, enlisting unknowing help from one of the household.