David Banbury


Prisoners and Pups
A group of women prisoners have signed up to foster retired racing greyhounds and get them ready for adoption. The prisoners have just eight weeks to transform the dogs into family pets, or the dogs could be euthanised.
Finding Maawirrangga
Tom E Lewis knows he must die with all of his Songs. After years of haunting silence, he returns to his Grandmothers’ country to seek the permission of the Jungayi (Lawmen) to learn Thumbul corroboree (Morning Star). With the family’s blessing through ceremony, the spirits, stars and ancestors help Tom prepare to find the mysterious Sandy Island of Maawirrangga by singing.
Segunda Chance
Maddy quer ser uma grande ginasta, mas não tem a auto-confiança necessária para alcançar seu objetivo. Com a ajuda de uma nova treinadora, Maddy e suas companheiras tentarão superar as adversidades para ter uma chance de ganhar um lugar na Seleção de Ginástica. Conseguirão vencer no caminho para o topo?