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Nos tempos do colégio, Seymour Levov era um grande atleta. Depois dos estudos, ele se casa com uma antiga rainha de beleza da cidade, e herda os negócios rentáveis de seu pai. A vida parece perfeita, até a filha do casal começar a manifestar atitudes políticas extremistas, participando de atos terroristas mortais durante a Guerra do Vietnã.
When unexplained earthquakes threaten planet Earth, it's up to Agent E to find out why. But the only clue he has is that a group of rabbis have been kidnapped. It's the fiendish Dr. Lo-Tov, of course, up to his old tricks, and only with the help of G-d, and some inspired classmates, can Agent Emes stop him and rescue the rabbis - and the world. This episode focuses on the importance of Torah learning, especially among Jewish children. Along the way, it delves into the way in which G-d created the world, and the responsibility the Jewish people have to help to maintain it.