Ashley Marze


Pastoral Americana
Video Assist Operator
Nos tempos do colégio, Seymour Levov era um grande atleta. Depois dos estudos, ele se casa com uma antiga rainha de beleza da cidade, e herda os negócios rentáveis de seu pai. A vida parece perfeita, até a filha do casal começar a manifestar atitudes políticas extremistas, participando de atos terroristas mortais durante a Guerra do Vietnã.
Agent Emes 2: Rabbi-napped
When unexplained earthquakes threaten planet Earth, it's up to Agent E to find out why. But the only clue he has is that a group of rabbis have been kidnapped. It's the fiendish Dr. Lo-Tov, of course, up to his old tricks, and only with the help of G-d, and some inspired classmates, can Agent Emes stop him and rescue the rabbis - and the world. This episode focuses on the importance of Torah learning, especially among Jewish children. Along the way, it delves into the way in which G-d created the world, and the responsibility the Jewish people have to help to maintain it.