Kristin Lazure


Contaminação: A Verdade Sobre o que Comemos
Este documentário fascinante conta com entrevistas reveladoras para examinar os surtos de doenças de origem alimentar nos EUA.
The Disruptors
ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed-and widely misunderstood-neurological conditions in the world today, affecting nearly 10% of kids and a rising number of adults. But what if having an ADHD brain is actually an asset? A growing number of innovators, entrepreneurs, CEO's, Olympic athletes, and award-winning artists have gone public about their diagnosis, saying that their ADHD, managed effectively, has played a vital role in their success. The Disruptors hears from many of those game-changing people speaking candidly about their ADHD, and intimately takes viewers inside a number of families as they navigate the challenges, and the surprising triumphs, of living with ADHD. The Disruptors takes an immersive look at our approach to ADHD that debunks the most harmful myths, and examines the flip side of this trait that ultimately offers a revelatory understanding of the diagnosis, and real hope for millions of kids, families and adults with ADHD.
Virando a Mesa do Poder
Executive Producer
Uma jovem bartender do Bronx, uma mãe de luto em Nevada e uma enfermeira do Missouri se juntam a um movimento de candidatos insurgentes com a intenção de desafiar os poderosos do Congresso Americano. Sem nenhuma experiência política prévia, financiamento de campanha ou parcerias com grandes mídias, elas conseguem realizar uma mudança no cenário político considerada praticamente impossível por opositores.
The Devil We Know
Unraveling one of the biggest environmental scandals of our time, a group of citizens in West Virginia take on a powerful corporation after they discover it has knowingly been dumping a toxic chemical — now found in the blood of 99.7% of Americans — into the local drinking water supply.