William Novak


The Power of Glove
“The Power of Glove” is a documentary that chronicles the history & legacy of the notoriously “bad” Power Glove, a 1989 Nintendo controller that promised to forever change the way humans interact with technology. Originally released by Mattel, the Power Glove was the first mass-marketed gesture-based video game controller. It was designed by an eclectic team of hard-working and bright-eyed dreamers, and its marketing hype was immense. Immediately after its release, however, gamers were disappointed by the Power Glove, and critics panned it as a worthless gimmick. Yet unlike many gimmicks and critical failures of the past, the Power Glove has not been simply swept under the rug. Nearly three decades after its release, the Power Glove continues to resonate with video gaming and technology fans, becoming the focus of art pieces, songs, videos, hacking projects, and other forms of cultural repurposing. “The Power of Glove” tells the story of how and why the Power Glove lives on.
O Gênio do Videogame
Technical Advisor
Corey (Savage) e Jimmy (Edwards) são dois irmãos que, devido à separação dos pais, correm o risco de serem separados um do outro. Jimmy é uma criança com alguns problemas mentais, surgidos após a morte de sua irmã. Um dia, Corey descobre que seu irmão mais novo é um verdadeiro gênio do video-game, provavelmente um dos melhores que ele já viu jogar. Os dois iniciam uma verdadeira jornada rumo à Costa Oeste americana, onde se realizará um dos maiores torneios de video-game que já se viu. Mas, nesta aventura, os dois irmãos precisam evitar algumas pessoas, que tentarão de tudo para separá-los.