Sandra Fink


Florianópolis Dream
Costume Design
No verão de 1990, Lucrecia e Pedro estão prestes a se divorciar. Porém, antes de tomar essa decisão, eles viajam com seus dois filhos de Buenos Aires para Florianópolis em um carro sem ar condicionado.
Softness of Bodies
Costume Consultant
An American poet living in Berlin hopes to win a prestigious grant while dealing with her former relationships, a rival poet, and her own penchant for stealing things.
Costume Design
7 year old Matías returns home from a friend’s birthday party to find his mother, Laura, unconscious on the floor. When she recovers her senses they decide to leave home and rush to a shelter for abused women where they spend 48 hours before Laura decides to rebuild her life somewhere else. Through the eyes of Matías we will discover their escape in a city where everything Matías once knew feels dangerous and foreign until Laura finds a secure place to raise her son.
Costume Supervisor
A porn director is getting close to the dawn of his career.
Costume Design
A porn director is getting close to the dawn of his career.
Costume Design
Camilo is a 10-year-old boy who has a conscience that is too awake, serene and transcendent for his age. He lives in the midst of amusing and dangerous chaos, of a family of characters deeply affected by the tremendous impossibility of developing normally in the world, in our current society. Through their eyes we will see how each one, consciously or unconsciously, inevitably constructing their own destiny.
A través de tus ojos
Costume Design