Este documentário traça o perfil da esposa do procurador-geral dos EUA na era Nixon, que foi tachada de louca por fazer denúncias contra o governo no caso Watergate.
O romance "Answered Prayers" era uma promessa na carreira do autor e socialite Truman Capote, mas nunca foi finalizado. Com entrevistas inéditas, o documentário explora a ascensão e a queda de Capote.
A businessman shows up in Washington to lobby agendas that are friendly to his construction plans. His ditsy ex-showgirl bimbo proves to be an embarrassment in social situations, so he hires a reporter to teach her how to appear more intelligent. Soon it becomes apparent to the reporter that she isn't so stupid after all, and things become more complicated as she begins questioning the papers her sugar daddy keeps getting her to sign, and the reporter begins falling in love with her.