Em um futuro próximo, a África do Sul decidiu substituir os seus policiais humanos por robôs dotados de inteligência artificial. O criador , o cientista Deon, sonha em embutir emoções nos robôs. Um dia, ele rouba um modelo defeituoso e faz experiências nele, até conseguir criar Chappie, um robô capaz de pensar e aprender por conta própria. Mas Chappie é roubado por ladrões que precisam da ajuda para um assalto a banco. Quando Vincent, um engenheiro rival de Deon, decide sabotar as experiências do colega de trabalho, a segurança do país e o futuro de Chappie correm riscos.
Makeup & Hair
The shocking story behind the murder of Brett Kebble. "204" means a full and permanent indemnity from prosecution in exchange for truthful testimony. Brett Kebble was a charismatic South African businessman whose meteoric rise to fame and fortune in the mining world was followed by a startling fall from grace. His life ultimately ended in a hail of bullets on a road in northern Johannesburg in 2005. But the story behind his death is so bizarre that it could come straight out of a mystery thriller. In this documentary, the three self-confessed killers, as well as Jackie Selebi, Glen Agliotti, Piet Byleveld, and the Kebble family, are interviewed, exploring a fascinating tale of greed, corruption, fraud, and murder. Exclusive first-hand accounts of the murder are included, and the belly of South Africa's dark underworld is revealed.