Franz Planer

Nascimento : 1894-03-29, Karlsbad, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary [now Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic]

Morte : 1963-01-10


Director of Photography
Uma escola particular para meninas se escandaliza quando uma estudante problemática e rancorosa, Mary Tilford, acusa as duas jovens que dirigem a escola de ter um relacionamento lésbico.
O Rei dos Reis
Director of Photography
Quando a notícia se espalha pela Judéia de que o filho de Deus deve nascer em Belém, o rei Herodes (Frank Thring) exige que todas as crianças sejam mortas. Maria (Siobhan McKenna) foge com seu filho, Jesus (Jeffrey Hunter), que cresce pregando, realizando milagres e adquirindo devotos. Um dos seus seguidores, Judas (Rip Torn), o trai e ele é condenado à crucificação. Mas Jesus sempre soube do seu destino e se preparou para a morte.
Boneca de Luxo
Director of Photography
Holly Golightly quer viver intensamente e casar com um bom partido. Mas quando o caso amoroso com um potencial escritor ameaça transformar-se na única coisa que receia - o verdadeiro amor -, o cenário muda radicalmente.
O Passado Não Perdoa
Director of Photography
Um estranho Faroeste sobre intolerância racial. Os índios afirmam que Rachel, a filha adotiva de Zachary, é uma Kiowa raptada em um ataque. A disputa faz os outros brancos virarem as costas para o Zacharys quando a verdade é revelada pela mãe. Cash, o irmão impetuoso, reage violentamente ao saber que sua "irmã" é uma Pele Vermelha. Ele deixa a família, mas retorna para ajudá-los a lutar contra um ataque de índios durante o qual Rachel mata seu irmão Kiowa, escolhendo assim um lado de uma vez por todas.
Uma Cruz à Beira do Abismo
Director of Photography
Em 1930, o jovem Gabrielle Van der Mal entra em um convento em sua Bélgica natal para se tornar uma freira. Quase imediatamente, ela tem dificuldade para se ajustar à vida de clausura, e seu votos de pobreza, castidade e obediência. Ela duvida a sua própria capacidade, mesmo quando ela faz seus votos perpétuos. Gabrielle, agora chamada de Irmã Luke, se destaca em seus estudos médicos e sonhos de servir no Congo Belga.
Da Terra Nascem os Homens
Director of Photography
Duas famílias de fazendeiros texanos, lutam durante anos pela posse de um sítio pequeno, de onde vem água necessária a seus rebanhos e plantações. A personagem principal é a Terra e, como pano de fundo os grandes latifúndios do Texas, motivo pelo qual este primoroso filme foi fotografado em tela larga, pelo processo Technirama. Faroeste de alto nível, dirigido pela mão segura de Wyler, com elenco vigoroso, trilha sonora e música excepcional de Jerome Moross. Oscar de coadjuvante para Burl Ives.
Stage Struck
Director of Photography
A young woman arrives in New York City determined to become a great theatrical star, but discovers that her goal may not be as easily attainable as she had hoped.
Orgulho e Paixão
Director of Photography
Durante as Guerras Napoleônicas, quando os franceses ocuparam a Espanha, alguns guerrilheiros espanhóis vão mover um grande canhão pela Espanha para ajudar os britânicos a derrotar os franceses. Um oficial britânico está lá para acompanhar os espanhóis e ao longo do caminho, ele se apaixona pela garota do líder.
A Maldição da Montanha
Director of Photography
O egoísta Chris Teller pressiona seu irmão mais velho, um alpinista aposentado, a acompanhá-lo em uma escalada alpina traiçoeira para saquear os corpos das vítimas de um acidente de avião. Quando um avião cai no topo da montanha, Chris (Robert Wagner) quer subir para saquear os destroços. Seu irmão mais velho, Zachary (Spencer Tracy), já aposentado do trabalho de guia de montanha, resolve ir junto para seu irmão não se arriscar sozinho. O único sobrevivente é uma menina hindu que Chris quer matar. Zachary não concorda e briga com ele. Enquanto Chris rouba dos passageiros mortos, Zachary prepara um trenó para tirar a garota da montanha. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Do Destino Ninguém Foge
Director of Photography
Em uma missão católica na China, o muito aguardado "padre O'Shea" prova ser um cara durão, perturbadoramente atraente para a enfermeira-missionária Anne. Um homem em vestes sacerdotais, aparentemente o muito aguardado padre O'Shea, chega a uma missão católica pouco frequentada em 1947 na China. Embora o homem pareça curiosamente desconfortável com seus deveres sacerdotais, suas táticas duras revelam-se muito bem-sucedidas nas Sete Aldeias, à medida que a China se desintegra na guerra civil e na revolução. Mas ele tem um segredo, e sua amizade com a enfermeira de missão Anne (uma atraente viúva de guerra) parece estar assumindo um tom peculiar.
Não Serás um Estranho
Director of Photography
Lucas Marsh, an intern bent upon becoming a first-class doctor, not merely a successful one. He courts and marries the warm-hearted Kristina, not out of love but because she is highly knowledgeable in the skills of the operating room and because she has frugally put aside her savings through the years. She will be, as he shrewdly knows, a supportive wife in every way. She helps make him the success he wants to be and cheerfully moves with him to the small town in which he starts his practice. But as much as he tries to be a good husband to the undemanding Kristina, Marsh easily falls into the arms of a local siren and the patience of the long-sorrowing Kristina wears thin.
Vinte Mil Léguas Submarinas
Director of Photography
Quando vários navios são abalroados e afundados por um misterioso monstro marinho nas águas do Pacífico, um professor de biologia marinha francês é convidado pelo governo americano a integrar a tripulação de um navio que irá tentar caçá-lo. Mas o que ninguém sabe é que o monstro é um submarino com um misterioso capitão, senhor de um notável saber que não está disposto a partilhar.
Director of Photography
Having survived a plane crash in the jungle, Henty finds a fortress-like home in the middle of nowhere, belonging to the affable Mr. McMaster. The latter doesn't want Henty to leave.
A Bullet Is Waiting
Director of Photography
A plane carrying a sheriff and a man indicted for manslaughter is wrecked on a lonely California beach and the prisoner manages to escape, after a struggle, only to be taken in hand by the female manager of a remote sheep ranch.
A Nave da Revolta
Director of Photography
Durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial Willie Keith (Robert Francis), um jovem oficial, se incorpora à tripulação do Caine, um navio de menor porte que funciona como caça-minas. O imediato Steve Maryk (Van Johnson) e o tenente Tom Keefer (Fred MacMurray) também fazem parte do staff. Logo depois da chegada de Willie, o capitão DeVriess (Tom Tully) é substituído pelo capitão Philip Francis Queeg (Humphrey Bogart), que logo impõe sua autoridade e sua neurose acerca de limpeza, pois é de seu intento comandar um navio imaculado, onde até uma camisa fora de calça é motivo de séria advertência. Esta neurose faz com que ele se distraia e navegue em círculos, além de cortar seu próprio cabo de reboque. Incidentes adicionais indicam que Queeg está sofrendo de stress. Maryk acha estranho o comportamento do capitão e Keefer insidiosamente planta a semente, dizendo que Queeg está próximo de um colapso nervoso. e 10.
Procurado Por Homicídio
Director of Photography
An amnesiac finally learns his true a murder suspect. A mystery thriller based on the novel by Mickey Spillane.
Ambição Que Mata
Director of Photography
A doctor returned from the Korean War must choose between joining a glamorous practice and helping the poor.
A Princesa e o Plebeu
Director of Photography
A Princesa Anne embarca em uma turnê por diversas capitais europeias e que é altamente explorada pela imprensa. Quando ela e sua comitiva real chegam em Roma, ela começa a se rebelar contra o seu horário extremamente regrado. Uma noite Anne dá uma escapulida de seu quarto, pula na traseira de um caminhão de entregas e escapa seu luxuoso confinamento. No entanto, um sedativo que ela foi forçada a tomar mais cedo começa a fazer efeito, e logo a princesa está prestes a dormir em um banco público. Ela é encontrada por Joe Bradley, um repórter de um jornal americano correspondente em Roma. Ele a leva até o seu apartamento. Na manhã seguinte, Joe corre para cobrir a conferência de imprensa da princesa Anne, sem saber que ela está dormindo em seu sofá. Na hora em que ele percebe a sua boa sorte, Joe promete ao seu editor uma entrevista exclusiva com a princesa.
A Morte Ronda o Cais
Director of Photography
Um ex-boxeador que virou motorista de táxi tem que esconder da polícia quando sua irritante esposa é assassinada pelo ladrão de joias com quem ela estava tendo um caso. Depois de perder o campeonato dos pesos pesados, o boxeador Ernie Driscoll agora dirige um táxi para ganhar a vida e ganha o desprezo de sua irritante esposa, Pauline, que o culpa pela sua falta de status social. Envolvida com o ladrão de joias Victor Rawlins, Pauline é assassinada por ele quando ela atrapalha a sua atividade de passar as joias para frente. Responsabilizado pelo assassinato de sua esposa, Ernie deve rastrear Rawlins antes que ele deixe o país. e16.
Os 5.000 Dedos do Dr. T.
Director of Photography
Bart tem um único inimigo: seu professor de piano, Dr. Terwilliker. Dr. T. tem o maluco plano de forçar 500 garotos a praticar no seu piano gigante 24h por dia. Bart é o único que pode salvar as crianças.
Decisão Antes do Amanhecer
Director of Photography
À medida que o exército dos EUA se aproxima da Alemanha nazista, prisioneiros alemães são recrutados para espionar atrás das linhas alemãs. A Segunda Guerra Mundial está entrando em sua última fase: a Alemanha está em ruínas, mas não cede. O exército dos EUA não tem conhecimento crucial sobre as unidades alemãs que operam no lado oposto do Reno e decide enviar dois prisioneiros alemães para coletar informações. O esquema é arriscado: a Gestapo mantém uma rede terrivelmente eficiente para identificar e capturar espiões e desertores. Além disso, não está claro se o "Tiger", que topa qualquer trabalho sujo desde que o preço seja bom, e o "Happy" cansado de guerra, que pode ser facilmente traído por seus sentimentos, são agentes confiáveis. Depois que Tiger e outro agente americano são infiltrados com sucesso, Happy é lançado de para-quedas na Baviera. Seu dever: descobrir o paradeiro de uma poderosa unidade blindada alemã que se move em direção à frente ocidental.
Death of a Salesman
Director of Photography
Willy Loman is an aging salesman who was recently fired from his job. Dealing with feelings of failure, Willy begins to relive events from the past that involve his older son, Biff, and his wife, Linda. Willy tries to learn from past mistakes and works to make amends with his family, but his biggest struggle is to make peace with himself over a failed dream of financial success.
The Blue Veil
Director of Photography
A World War I widow loses her only child and spends the rest of her life as a children's nurse.
The Scarf
Director of Photography
A man believe to have murdered a woman, escapes from the insane asylum to find if he was the one to actually kill her using the scarf she was wearing.
Director of Photography
The daughter of a slain man pushes her brother toward vengeance in 19th-century Corsica.
Cyrano de Bergerac
Director of Photography
Cyrano devota um amor platônico à prima Roxane, mas ela confessa estar apaixonada por Christian, um dos jovens do regimento, e pede que Cyrano o proteja. Por causa disso, o poeta vai estar presente em todos os momentos da vida do casal, inclusive escrevendo cartas e recitando poemas à amada, sem que ela o saiba.
Three Husbands
Director of Photography
When a recently deceased playboy gets to heaven and is granted one wish--granted to all newcomers--he requests that he be able to see the reactions of three husbands, with whom he regularly played poker, to a letter he left each of them claiming to have had an affair with each's wife.
711 Ocean Drive
Director of Photography
The Horatio Alger parable gets the film noir treatment with the redoubtable Edmund O’Brien as a whip-smart telephone technician who moves up the ladder of a Syndicate gambling empire in Southern California until distracted by an inconveniently married Joanne Dru and his own greed. Ripped from the headlines of the 1950 Kevaufer Organized Crime Hearings, this fast-moving picture is laden with location sequences shot in Los Angeles, the Hoover Dam and Palm Springs including the famous Doll House watering hole on North Palm Canyon Drive!
Once More, My Darling
Director of Photography
An actor is recalled to active duty with the Army's C.I.D. to find the thief who stole historical jewels in occupied Germany and the trail leads to the boyfriend of a young debutante from Bel Air.
Um Passo em Falso
Director of Photography
Catherine Sykes disappears after a midnight drive with Professor Andrew Gentling . When she's presumed murdered, his friend Martha convinces him that he's a prime suspect and should investigate before he's arrested.
O Invencível
Director of Photography
An unscrupulous boxer fights his way to the top, but eventually alienates all of the people who helped him on the way up.
Director of Photography
Romântico, o obsessivo Steve Thompson é atraído de volta para Los Angeles para fazer uma outra tentativa com Anna, sua ex-mulher. No entanto, agora Anna pertence ao submundo de LA. Steve acredita que pode resgatá-la, ignorando os conselhos e avisos de pessoas que tentam ajuda-lo. Ele acaba enveredando por um caminho perigoso que rapidamente leva todos para um lugar não esperado.
Vênus, Deusa do Amor
Director of Photography
A window dresser's kiss brings a statue of the Roman goddess of love to life.
Carta de uma Desconhecida
Director of Photography
Na Viena do século 19, a jovem e tímida Lisa se apaixona por Stefan, pianista famoso e mulherengo. Anos depois, já adulta, ela se entrega a ele. Logo em seguida, o músico parte em turnê sem saber que havia engravidado Lisa.
O Exilado
Director of Photography
In 17th-century England, Charles II, the rightful heir to the kingdom, is driven from his country by militants working for rogue leader Oliver Cromwell. Charles ends up in the Netherlands, where he falls for local beauty Katie and spends his days happily in the quiet countryside. Unfortunately, Cromwell's associate Col. Ingram and his men track Charles down, and the would-be monarch must resort to swashbuckling his way to freedom.
A Senda do Temor
Director of Photography
Chuck Scott gets a job as chauffeur to tough guy Eddie Roman; but Chuck's involvement with Eddie's fearful wife becomes a nightmare.
Leave It to Blondie
Director of Photography
Older but no wiser, Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead enter a songwriting contest. It's all part of a plan to cover charity checks that they've signed separately but can't cover. Along the way, Blondie's blood boils when Dagwood gets innocently mixed up with beautiful music teacher Rita Rogers.
Strange Affair
Director of Photography
Eminent psychiatrist Dr. Brenner invites cartoonist Bill Harrison and his wife, Jack, to a banquet honoring war refugees. Bill volunteers to pick up fellow psychiatrist Dr. Baumler at the train station, but the man vanishes when he has Bill stop so he can use a pay phone. At the dinner, Bill and Jack are seated with Brenner's daughter, Freda, and, to Bill's surprise, another man is introduced as Baumler -- who dies moments later.
Secret Command
Director of Photography
Secret Command features Pat O'Brien as a onetime foreign correspondent in the wartime employ of the FBI. Under an assumed name, O'BRIEN goes to work at a shipyard, intending to keep both eyes open for potential saboteurs. To maintain the cover, O'BRIEN is given a "wife" (Carole Landis) and two children. When O'BRIEN's brother Chester Morris shows up, he can't comprehend the charade and nearly spills the beans to the Nazi spies O'BRIEN hopes to trap. Based on the short story The Saboteurs by John and Ward Hawkins, Secret Command offers a graying but still feisty Pat O'Brien doing what he does best.
O Eterno Pretendente
Director of Photography
Broadway producer Jerry Flynn is anxious to recapture the magic and reclaim the crowds after a set of costly flops. Outside his theater one night, Flynn meets a young boy who just might save the day. Inside a small box the boy shows Flynn his pride and joy: a caterpillar named Curly that dances to Yes Sir, That's My Baby. Word quickly spreads about the amazingly talented hoofer, and the caterpillar becomes a symbol of hope for wartime America. Soon, offers are pouring in to capitalize on this sensational insect.
Director of Photography
Flagwaving story of a new American destroyer, the JOHN PAUL JONES, from the day her keel is laid, to what was very nearly her last voyage. Among the crew, is Steve Boleslavski, a shipyard welder that helped build her, who reenlists, with his old rank of Chief bosuns mate. After failing her sea trials, she is assigned to the mail run, until caught up in a disparate battle with a Japanese sub. After getting torpedoed, and on the verge of sinking, the Captain, and crew hatch a plan to try and save the ship, and destroy the sub.
Encontro em Berlim
Director of Photography
The "war of nerves" which gripped the European continent in 1938, is the background for this war thriller starring George Sanders.
Canta Coração
Director of Photography
A press agent, a composer and a landlord of a theatrical boardinghouse revive vaudeville on Broadway.
Flight Lieutenant
Director of Photography
A disgraced pilot determines to regain the respect of both his son, now a test pilot for the Army, and the men he once flew with.
Submarine Raider
Director of Photography
On December 6, 1941, Captain Yamanada of the Japanese aircraft carrier "Hiranamu", orders full steam ahead for Pearl Harbor. His ship encounters and sinks an American yacht and the single survivor, Sue Curry, is rescued by an American submarine, the "Sea Serpent", commanded by Commander Chris Warren. He hears her story and attempts to radio a warning to Pearl Harbor. Yamanada, hearing the signals, orders the airlines jammed, and then sends his son into the air to sink the sub. The attack fails, after the sub makes a crash dive, but they fail in their warning attempts. The next morning, December 7th, the men on the sub hear the story of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and devise a desperate plan to sink the Japanese carrier by letting the carrier know their position. The carrier comes in search of the submarine.
The Wife Takes a Flyer
Director of Photography
Christopher Reynolds, an American flying with the R.A.F, is shot down over German-occupied Holland and is given shelter by a Dutch family. Posing as the insane husband of the daughter of the house, Anita Wolverman, Reynolds convinces the German officer quartered there, Major Zellfritz, with the necessity for her divorce decree to be granted. After the court-hearing, Anita, goes to manage a home for retired ladies and, persuaded by Reynolds, tries to gain military information from the German Officer. When her former husband escapes from the insane-asylum his exploits are blamed on Reynolds. With the help of the old ladies and Anita, who "remarries" him, Reynolds escapes to England in a stolen German airplane.
The Adventures of Martin Eden
Director of Photography
Author writes about his experiences sailing at sea, struggles to get his work published.
Honolulu Lu
Director of Photography
While in Hawaii, Velez begins the film as a risque nightclub act and due to her involvement with a group of sailors becomes a beauty queen.
Sing for Your Supper
Director of Photography
Evelyn Palmer, a débutante society girl who also is a property landlord, becomes interested in the plight of one of her tenants, a struggling band-leader, to the extent she becomes a hostess in a dance club, incognito, where the band plays, and soon is the band's singer.
Our Wife
Director of Photography
A musician's ex-wife wants him back after he finds love and success.
Sweetheart of the Campus
Director of Photography
Ruby Keeler teams with the Nelsons (of TV and radio fame) as the singer in Ozzie's band. The setting is a college campus which is suffering from monetary woes, but somehow Ozzie's band manages to attract enough attention to increase the enrollment and keep the school from having to shut down.
They Dare Not Love
Director of Photography
An Austrian prince flees his homeland when the Nazis take over and settles in London. He meets a beautiful Austrian émigré who makes him realize his mistake in leaving. He makes a deal with the Nazis to return in exchange for some Austrian prisoners, but discovers that the Nazis are not to be trusted.
Meet Boston Blackie
Director of Photography
When a murder occurs on an ocean liner docked in New York, the trail leads to Coney Island and a spy ring.
The Face Behind the Mask
Director of Photography
In this low-budget thriller, Peter Lorre plays Janos Szabo, an immigrant from Hungary who is a skilled craftsman. After he's caught in a fire, his face is horribly scarred; his terrifying appearance makes it impossible for him to get a job. With nowhere else to turn, Janos begins working for the criminal underworld. Janos begins having second thoughts about his life of crime when he falls in love.
Glamour for Sale
Director of Photography
A blackmail mob is waiting for you to go out with one of these girls.
Boêmio Encantador
Director of Photography
Johnny Case (Cary Grant), um financista liberal, finalmente encontrou a garota dos seus sonhos: Julia Seton (Doris Nolan), a mimada filha de um milionário, e ela aceitou casar com ele! Mas quando Johnny planeja umas férias, para os dois curtirem a vida enquanto ainda são jovens, sua noiva tem outros planos. Ela quer que Johnny trabalhe no banco do pai dela! Tentando decidir se segue a cabeça ou o coração, Johnny pode contar com pelo menos alguém da família Seton para apoiá-lo. Ela é Linda Seton (Katherine Hepburn), a realista irmã caçula da futura esposa dele, e que gosta de Johnny do jeito que ele é.
The Rebel Son
Director of Photography
During the 16th century the Cossacks and their Ukraine homeland is ruled by Poland. This is the story of the leader of the Cossacks and how his son was sent to study under the Poles to learn how to defeat them in battle. However, the son falls in love with the daughter of a Polish nobleman.
Love in Stunt Flying
Director of Photography
Mabel is a successful pilot who hates sensational media, but falls in love with Jack, a womanizer journalist with conservative views on gender. When the two of them get married, they make a deal: Mabel will cease to fly as long as Jack doesn't interview any more women. But how long can they keep their pact?
The Charm of La Bohème
Director of Photography
René and his two artist friends lead a meager but careless life in a Parisian small apartment, their main worry being to avoid the housekeeper. Whenever they get some money they call more friends in and celebrate. This is how he meets beautiful but fragile Denise, who wants to be a singer as himself, and they fall in love. Yet when she finds out her real condition she takes a drastic decision which will determine their fates. La Bohème arias, and more.
Die Julika
Director of Photography
1936 Austrian film.
The Beloved Vagabond
Director of Photography
Flying from one charming lady---eluding another---and almost losing both!
Le vagabond bien-aimé
Director of Photography
Gaston, an artist in love with an upper class English girl, accepts to stay away from her when a wealthy rival offers to pay her father's heavy debt. Broken-hearted, he leaves for France with his young servant. They join a young girl as popular musicians and tour the countryside in their way to Paris, where his former love reappears.
Taras Bulba
Director of Photography
In war against the Poles, the leader Cossack sees itself betrayed by one of his threads, been in love the girl of an enemy.
Grand Waltz Brilliant by Chopin
Director of Photography
Max Ophuls directs this short film of Chopin's Valse Brillante.
Casta diva
Director of Photography
Martha Eggerth heads the cast of Casta Diva, but the central character is famed Italian composer Vincenzo Bellini, here played by American actor Phillips Holmes. Paying but scant attention the facts, the film concentrates on Bellini's colorful love life. Evidently the film went through several rewriting processes, as witness the curious performances of Donald Calthrop and Arthur Margetson, whose characters do complete about-faces halfway through the story. Amidst so many British accents, Martha Eggerth's Polish intonations seem out of place, but she photographs beautifully and sings quite well. Casta Diva was attractively filmed on location in Naples. Not to be confused with the 1954 remake (by Gallone himself) or to the English language version "The Divine Spark" (also directed by Gallone and starred by Eggerth).
Turn of the Tide
Director of Photography
Turn of the Tide is a 1935 British film directed by Norman Walker. It was the first feature film made by J. Arthur Rank. It is set in a North Yorkshire fishing village, and relates the rivalry between two fishing families. The actors included John Garrick, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Wilfrid Lawson speak in the local accent. The work is based on the novel Three Fevers by Leo Walmsley.
The Divine Spark
Director of Photography
British musical film directed by Carmine Gallone.
The Dictator
Director of Photography
The film depicts a dramatic episode in Danish history: the tumultous relationship between King Christian VII of Denmark and his English consort Caroline Matilda in Eighteenth century Copenhagen and the Queen's tragic affair with the royal physician and liberal reformer Johann Friedrich Struensee.
So Ended a Great Love
Camera Operator
The political advisor to the French emperor Napoleon, and the Austrian emperor Franz I, arrange a marriage between Napoleon and the Austrian archduchess Marie-Luise in order to prevent another war.
Masquerade in Vienna
Director of Photography
After a masked carnival ball, Gerda Harrandt, wife of the surgeon Carl Ludwig Harrandt, allows the fashionable artist Ferdinand von Heidenick to paint a portrait of her wearing only a mask and a muff. This muff however belongs to Anita Keller, in secret the painter's lover but also the fiancée of the court orchestra director Paul Harrandt. The picture is then published in the newspaper. When Paul sees it and asks von Heidenick some questions about the identity of the model, the artist is forced to improvise a story and on the spur of the moment invents a woman called Leopoldine Dur as the alleged model. Leopoldine Dur however turns out to be a real woman whose acquaintance Heidenick makes shortly afterwards.
Unfinished Symphony
Director of Photography
Composer Franz Schubert--broke, struggling and unhappy--gets a break when a wealthy friend wangles him an invitation to a command performance in front of a princess of the royal family. Schubert performs a version of his new work, "Symphony in B Minor", for the princess, but a misunderstanding results in Schubert storming out of the concert in a rage. Complications ensue.
Caprice de princesse
Director of Photography
Lover Divine
Camera Operator
A section from the life of composer Franz Schubert as a material for a love story. Also known in English as Gently My Songs Entreat. An English version called Unfinished Symphony would follow in 1934.
Director of Photography
Na Viena do início do século 20, o tenente de cavalaria Fritz Lobheimer está prestes a terminar seu caso com a baronesa Eggerdorff quando conhece e se apaixona pela jovem Christine, filha de um violinista da ópera. Porém, quando o barão descobre a traição que sofreu, ele desafia Fritz para um duelo.
Eine Stadt steht kopf
Director of Photography
The child's first right
Director of Photography
The Prince of Arcadia
Director of Photography
Both the King and his son have been deposed by popular demand. The now Prinz of Arkadia certainly enjoys his new role, which without much changing his lifestyle leaves him free to concentrate on his main interest -women. Including an actress who once wrote a mocking song about him -a song that he likes to sing.
Sailor's Song
Director of Photography
Georget is a happy-go-luck seafarer who'd rather sing than work -- or be faithful to his wife. Together with his sailor pal Marius, they decide to cheat on their spouses by frequenting the dives and joints in every town where their ship drops anchor. The boys are certain, however, that their wives would never behave in a similar fashion. Upon returning home, of course, they discover that their better halves are just as sexually irresponsible as their hubbies.
The Duke of Reichstadt
Director of Photography
The Eagle
Camera Operator
An adaptation of the play L'Aiglon by Edmond Rostand, which portrays the life of Napoleon I.
No More Love
Director of Photography
An American millionaire, who had always bad luck with women, bets that he can live without them for five years. But after four and a half years traveling around on his yacht, he rescues a lady from drowning in the English Channel.
Hans in Every Street
Director of Photography
Tattoo on the Rhine
Director of Photography
Musical comedy set in the scenic Rhine country, in which dashing officers and enlisted men pursue various kinds of women.
The Road to Paradise
Director of Photography
Willy, Kurt and Hans are broke, so they sell their car and open a filling station. Then they all fall in love for the same girl. Simultaneously filmed French version of the German musical, Die Drei Von Der Tankstelle.
The Three from the Filling Station
Director of Photography
Die Drei von der Tankstelle, meaning The Three from the Gas Station, was advertised as a German operetta when release and with it’s star studded cast would become the forerunner of Musical films. Even today the soundtrack of the comic harmonists is popular in Germany.
The Son of the White Mountain
Director of Photography
A Tyrolean mountain guide comes under suspicion of killing a tourist.
Tonight - Eventually
Director of Photography
Die Flucht vor der Liebe
Director of Photography
A Daughter Of Destiny
Director of Photography
Hanns Heinz Ewers' grim science-fiction novel Alraune has already been filmed twice when this version was assembled in 1928. In another of his "mad doctor" roles, Paul Wegener plays Professor Brinken, sociopathic scientist who combines the genes of an executed murderer with those of a prostitute. The result is a beautiful young woman named Alraune (Brigitte Helm), who is incapable of feeling any real emotions -- least of all guilt or regret. Upon attaining adulthood, Alraune sets about to seduce and destroy every male who crosses her path. Ultimately, Professor Brinken is hoist on his own petard when he falls hopelessly in love with Alraune himself. Alraune was remade in 1930, with Brigitte Helm repeating her role, and again in 1951, with Hildegarde Knef as the "heroine" and Erich von Stroheim as her misguided mentor.
The Green Alley
Director of Photography
An ill-fated love affair between a brothel waitress and a doctor's son.
Schatz, mach' Kasse
Director of Photography
The Finances of the Grand Duke
Director of Photography
The likeable and carefree Grand Duke of Abacco is in dire straits. There is no money left to service the State's debt; the main creditor is looking forward to expropriating the entire Duchy. The marriage with Olga, Grand Duchess of Russia, would solve everything, but a crucial letter of hers about the engagement has been stolen. Besides, a bunch of revolutionaries and a dubious businessman have other plans regarding the Grand Duke. With the intrusion of adventurer Philipp Collins into the Grand Duke's affairs, a series of frantic chases, plots and counter-plots begins.
Sodom and Gomorrah
Director of Photography
Exposed to bad influences since childhood, Mary, a young girl is pushed by her mother to approach an elderly banker by the name of Harber. After almost driving her fiancee to suicide and seducing his mentally-ill son, she realizes through a metaphorical dream the scope of her negligence. Sentenced to prison for incitement to murder Harber, she sees herself as a parallel figure to Lea, Lot's wife in Sodom, where the Angel of the Lord warns the sinful citizens of the city of their impending doom. Lea oppresses the angel and eventually turns it over to the pagan priests when her sexual advances to it are rejected. In another dream sequence, Mary becomes the Queen of Syria, whose oppressed people turn against her and who, in turn, condemns a young man who loves her to death. Finally, her dream returns to the present time and when she awakens, she runs back to her former lover.
Der Favorit der Königin
Director of Photography
German film by Franz Seitz.
Der Ochsenkrieg
Director of Photography
Berchtesgaden in the 15th century: A power struggle between mountain peasants who have been raising milk cows on common land and a village bailiff trying to gain power driving them off the land. Both have a ducal documents that states the opposite.