Ted Berenson

Nascimento : 1955-01-25, Lasi, Romania


Um Gaiato no Navio
Animation Supervisor
O esnobe e presunçoso Nathanial (Chris Elliott) acaba de se formar e está de viagem marcada para encontrar seu pai. Mas por engano, em vez de embarcar no luxuoso navio com destino ao Havaí ele entra num barco pesqueiro e vira camareiro de uma nada simpática tripulação, que mais parece um bando de piratas. Nesta verdadeira aventura, ele encontra estranhas figuras como um monstro de neve, a mulher de seis braços e também a estranha Trina (Melora Walters), por quem se apaixona.
The music video for Innuendo by Queen.
The Star Child
Pero is a handsome boy, but when he becomes enamored with his own looks, he must learn a difficult lesson about the value of external beauty. Based on the story by Oscar Wilde.
The Star Child
Pero is a handsome boy, but when he becomes enamored with his own looks, he must learn a difficult lesson about the value of external beauty. Based on the story by Oscar Wilde.
The Star Child
Pero is a handsome boy, but when he becomes enamored with his own looks, he must learn a difficult lesson about the value of external beauty. Based on the story by Oscar Wilde.
The Star Child
Pero is a handsome boy, but when he becomes enamored with his own looks, he must learn a difficult lesson about the value of external beauty. Based on the story by Oscar Wilde.