Gene Ruggiero

Nascimento : 1910-06-20, North Hempstead, New York, USA

Morte : 2002-02-19


Cry Wilderness
A Bigfoot-type creature befriends Paul, a young student. His father is a park ranger trying to capture an escaped tiger. Everyone in town is on edge and wants the tiger killed. David tries to keep Bigfoot a secret.
Moonshine County Express
The three surviving daughters of a murdered moonshiner band together with a racecar driver to run high-test shine behind the corpulent backs of the local likker syndicate.
Death Journey
Fearful that their star witness might be murdered, two attorneys hire a protector to bring him from Los Angeles to New York. Jesse Crowder (Fred Williamson) is a no-nonsense tough guy. He buddies up with the witness, an accountant, and they hit the road. Outwitting their foes means taking all manner of conveyance, including automobile, train, and airplane.
Happenings in a small Irish traveling circus.
Boss Nigger
Two black bounty hunters ride into a small town out West in pursuit of an outlaw. They discover that the town has no sheriff, and soon take over that position, much against the will of the mostly white townsfolk.
Black Eye
An ex-police officer operating a private detective business comes face to face with a syndicate-backed dope ring.
O Bombardeiro
Geronimo Minelli é um policial de LA designado para encontrar um bombardeiro psicótico que explode escolas e hospitais psiquiátricos.
Asylum of Satan
A young woman is brought to an asylum to receive special treatment from a mysterious doctor. Dr. Spector does more than just run the hospital -- he offers his patients as sacrifices to Satan.
Detetive Marlowe em Ação
O detetive particular Philip Marlowe (James Garner) tentar achar Orrin Quest (Roger Newman), o irmão desaparecido de Orfamay Quest (Sharon Farrell). Ele segue as pistas e conversa com dois homens, que negam conhecer Orrin. Logo os dois são encontrados mortos, com um picador de gelo ent em suas nucas. Marlowe deduz que isto é algo bem mais sério que uma pessoa desaparecida. Durante as investigações ele conhece Mavis Wald (Gayle Hunnicutt), uma estrela de televisão que está envolvida com Sonny Steelgrave (H.M. Wynant), um gângster, que quer por bem ou por mal que Marlowe se afaste do caso.
Hell's Angels '69
Two brothers have a plan on how to rob the Ceasar's Palace in Las Vegas. They join a motorcycle gang and while the others are drinking and partying outside of town, they change their clothes and head off to rob the casino. Of course, the police do not look for two well dressed criminals among the Hell's Angels.
À Sombra de um Gigante
Um oficial do Exército americano é recrutado por Israel, que ainda não existe, para ajudá-los a formar um exército. Ele é perturbado por este súbito apelo às suas raízes judaicas. Cada um dos vizinhos árabes de Israel prometeu invadir o país mal preparado logo que a criação é concedida. Ele é feito comandante das forças israelenses logo antes do início da guerra.
Mortos que Matam
Após a devastação da Terra por uma poderosa peste, um cientista se dá conta de ser o único sobrevivente vivo. A partir da catástrofe, criaturas zumbis de características vampirescas habitam toda a Terra e passam a persegui-lo para matá-lo. Para se livrar do ataque destas criaturas mortas-vivas, o último sobrevivente precisa cravar uma estaca no coração para poder se salvar.
The Wonders of Aladdin
Young Aladdin has a series of wild adventures after he discovers a magic lamp containing a genie (Vittorio De Sica).
The Barbarians
Revak is an Iberian prince from Penda, a small island where the Carthagian fleet ransacked and enslaved the surviving native men, including him. After an eventful passage aboard a galley, Revak becomes an elephant driver in Carthage city, and could become the favorite of mighty women, but has only one thirst: bloody revenge, at all cost, so the barbarian makes common cause with the attacking Romans, Carthage's historical enemy and rival for Mediterranean hegemony, scorning love...
Platinum High School
At an exclusive military academy on Sabre Island, rich young delinquents think money puts them above the law. Enter Steve Conway - there to investigate the death of his son, who he had been told died in an accident.
Tarzan, O Filho das Selvas
An English colonel's daughter meets the lord of the jungle who makes her his mate.
Em 1942, o comandante do submarino USS Grayfish, Barney Doyle, é um capitão capaz, respeitado por seus homens e eficaz no mar. Seu alvo principal é o porta aviões japonês Akagi, que liderou o ataque a Pearl Harbor. Doyle é atormentado pelo fato de que sua esposa e filha foram presos quando os japoneses invadiram as Filipinas e ele não tem noticias deles por quase 10 meses. Ele fica aliviado quando fontes confiáveis ​​confirmam que eles estão vivos. Mas havia uma boa razão para os japoneses permitirem que ele soubesse que sua família estava a salvo. Todos os civis estão sendo transportados para o Japão no Akagi e portanto usados como um escudo humano, forçando Doyle a tomar uma decisão terrível.
Seven Hills of Rome
After having a fight with his girl friend, Marc follows her to Rome to try and win her back. On the train he meets a girl who is on her way to stay with her uncle. He gives her a lift to her uncle's, but they discover he has gone to South America. So as she has nowhere else to go, she stays with Marc and his cousin, which inevitably leads to romance.
The Seventh Sin
In post-WWII Hong Kong, unhappily married Carol has an affair with Paul. Her physician husband Walter discovers it and presents her with a choice: travel with him to China (where he will fight a cholera epidemic) or face the scandal of a public divorce. She persuades him to reconsider and he proposes an alternative. If Paul's wife will agree to a divorce and he marries Carol within one week Walter will obtain a quiet divorce. Carol presents Walter's 'deal' to Paul, who regretfully declines, citing respect for his wife.Carol sees as her only choice to accompany Walter to the village, where she meets booze-soaked Tim. He soon introduces her to nuns at the local hospital-convent and Carol begins to re-evaluate her self-absorbed life and character. Working at the convent, Carol learns she is pregnant. She tells Walter she's unsure who is the father and he regrets her honesty. Shortly after, Walter contracts cholera and dies. Carol returns to Hong Kong and an uncertain future.
Asas de Águia
Um oficial da marinha obcecado por aviação, Frank W. Wead (John Wayne), vê seu casamento ruir pois Min (Maureen O'Hara), sua mulher, se sente só. Ao cair da escada ele fica paralítico e isto sacramenta a separação, mas parcialmente se recupera e se torna um roteirista de cinema e teatrólogo de sucesso. Frank quer reatar com Min e eles decidem tentar de novo, mas enquanto espera que ela chegue a viver com ele fica sabendo que os japoneses atacaram Pearl Harbor. Frank decide então ir a Washington, para poder ajudar seu país da melhor maneira que puder.
The Great American Pastime
Bruce Hallerton becomes coach of the Panthers, a little league baseball team. The fact that an attractive widow has her son in the team causes problems with his wife.
A Volta ao Mundo em Oitenta Dias
Em 1872, o nobre inglês Phileas Fogg (David Niven) aposta vinte mil libras com seus colegas do Clube Reformatório de Londres de que ele consegue dar a volta no planeta em exatamente oitenta dias. Ao lado do engenhoso Valet Passepartout (Mario Moreno), ele busca cumprir o seu objetivo com aventuras em todos os continentes, acaba conhecendo e se encantando pela bela viúva Aouda (Shirley MacLaine), ao mesmo tempo que, em uma conspiração, é acusado de ter roubado o dinheiro que investiu na aposta.
A Festa do Casamento
At breakfast, Jane announces that she and Ralph are getting married the next week. All Jane and Ralph want is a small wedding with the immediate family and no reception. This is because Jane's parents are poor and Jane and Ralph can borrow a car for their honeymoon. However, at dinner that night all Ralph's parents talk about are the big weddings they gave their daughters and everything escalates. All of a sudden, it is a big wedding breakfast with hundreds of guests. The problem is that for 12 years, Tom has been saving money to buy his own cab and license, but now that he can, all of his money is going towards a wedding neither he, or Jane or Ralph really want.
A stuffy young lawyer's outlook on life drastically changes when he meets a perky health food enthusiast and her wacky family.
Men of the Fighting Lady
M-G-M presents the heroic story of what happened to the MEN OF THE FIGHTING LADY
Easy to Love
Two men vie for the heart of a Cypress Gardens swimming star.
Let's Ask Nostradamus
Nostradamus writes a letter to his young son, and his prophecies are compared to events of the French Revolution.
Rogue's March
After being unjustly accused of spying, a British officer tries to redeem himself in India.
Glory Alley
A New Orleans boxer backs out of a bout and leaves his girlfriend for Korea.
A Um Passo do Fim
Jim Curtayne, um ex-advogado de defesa de sucesso que agora é um alcoólatra em recuperação, tenta uma resposta quando defende o filho de um vizinho que enfrenta uma acusação de homicídio.
O Grande Caruso
Traça vagamente a vida do tenor Enrico Caruso (1873-1921). Ele ama Musetta, em sua cidade natal, Nápoles, e depois Dorothy, filha de um dos patronos do Metropolitan Opera. Caruso é inaceitável para os pais de ambas as mulheres: para uma, porque canta; para Dorothy, porque ele é um camponês. Para os patrícios de Nova York, Caruso é baixo, peito largo, barulhento, emotivo, não refinado. Sua apreciação vem lentamente. O filme retrata o lamento de Caruso de que "o homem não tem voz, a voz tem o homem": ele não pode estar nos lugares que quer, porque deve estar em outro lugar cantando, inclusive no dia da morte de sua mãe. Ao longo do filme, Mario Lanza e estrelas do Met cantam, inclusive com o 'menino' Luciano Pavarotti.
Mrs. O'Malley and Mr. Malone
Harriet O'Malley tries to solve a murder aboard a train en route to New York.
Quando Eu Te Amei
Snooty opera singer meets a rough-and-tumble fisherman in the Louisiana bayous, but this fisherman can sing! Her agent lures him away to New Orleans to teach him to sing opera but comes to regret this rash decision when the singers fall in love.
Stars in My Crown
The story of a young pastor coming to a small town in the United States to set up his ministry. The movie tells of the various relationships and struggles he goes through as he goes about raising his family and preaching to the community.
That Midnight Kiss
Opera singer Prudence Budell, overhears truck driver Johnny Donnetti singing opera, and persuades her opera company to give him a chance in her new opera. They fall in love, but on meeting his colleague Mary while visiting Johnny's work, Prudence becomes convinced Johnny is in love with her.
Lábios Que Escravizam
United States Federal agent Rigby travels to the Central American island Carlotta to investigate a stolen aircraft engines smuggling racket.
Big City
A young orphan in New York's Lower East Side is collectively adopted by three neighborhood men--a minister, a cantor, and a cop.
A Canção dos Acusados
Nick, Nora e Nick Jr investigam o assassinato de um líder de banda em Nova York.
O Segredo de Cynthia
Spoiled socialite Cynthia Grace is suffering from a blood clot. Not unexpectedly, Tommy Coalt falls in love with Cynthia, much to her parents' dismay. Soon he's drawing up plans to marry the girl and setting up private practice in a smaller town.
Lady in the Lake
Private eye Phillip Marlowe wants to get out of the detective racket and into crime writing. But when he's called to the office of editor Adrienne Fromsett, it's not to talk about his story ideas — she wants him to locate the missing wife of her boss, Mr. Kingsby. The assignment quickly becomes complicated when bodies start turning up
A Dupla Vida de Andy Hardy
Andy (Mickey Rooney), ligado à faculdade, deixa escapar propostas de casamento para sua namorada Polly (Ann Rutherford) e sua amiga Sheila (Esther Williams).
Jackass Mail
An unknowing orphan idolizes the horse thief/mail robber who has shot his father.
Tarzan Contra o Mundo
O dono de um circo rapta o filho de Tarzan e foge para Nova Yorque, para onde seguem Tarzan e sua companheira Jane. Quando o casal chega à metrópole, acaba indo parar num tribunal para brigar pela custódia do garoto. Curiosamente, Charles Bickford, o ator que interpreta o dono do circo, chegou a ser cogitado para o papel de Tarzan, antes de Johnny Weissmuller ser escolhido. Elmo Lincoln, que viveu o primeiro Tarzan do cinema, em 1918, aparece numa pequena cena neste Tarzan Contra o Mundo. John Sheffield contracenou com Weissmuller em oito filmes da série, acompanhando o ator quando este mudou-se para a RKO, a partir de Tarzan e o Terror do Deserto e Tarzan, o Vingador (1943). Fez o “Menino” pela última vez em Tarzan e a Caçadora (1947), quando o estúdio o dispensou por considerá-lo grande demais para continuar fazendo o papel de uma criança. A produtora Monogram então o contratou para estrelar doze filmes da série Bomba, o Filho das Selvas, entre 1949 e 1955, ainda na onda de Tarzan.
A Yank on the Burma Road
A celebrated New York cabbie is pressed into service for a perilous journey through World War II China.
O Tesouro de Tarzan
Uma expedição científica na África descobre que o terreno habitado por Tarzan, pode esconder um valioso tesouro em ouro e tudo farão para se apoderar dos metais preciosos.
Washington Melodrama
An elderly businessman (Frank Morgan) plans what he thinks is an innocent night on the town while his wife is away. Instead, he finds himself involved in a showgirl's murder.
Blonde Inspiration
A writer of pulp Westerns cranks out more words than his editor and publisher want to pay for.
A Vitória do Dr. Kildare
Jimmy Kildare's impending nuptials are jeopardized by a diagnosis of possible epilepsy in his fiancee's brother.
Sky Murder
This final Carter film is a lot of fun, with Nick (unwillingly, at first) taking on a ring of Fifth Columnists (since this was filmed before the US entered the war, we're not told the villains are Nazis, but it's pretty clear anyway). Of course, the helpful and persistent Bartholomew is at his side--much to Nick's irritation. To further complicate things--and to make them still funnier--Joyce Compton is along for the ride too, as a delightfully brainless "detective" named Christine Cross.
I Love You Again
Boring businessman Larry Wilson recovers from amnesia and discovers he's really a con man...and loves his soon-to-be-ex wife.
O Estranho Caso do Dr. Kildare
Kildare tries brain surgery, advised by Dr. Gillespie, and faces a rival for nurse Lamont.
A Loja da Esquina
Dois funcionários de uma loja de presentes mal podem suportar um ao outro, sem perceber que estão se apaixonando através das cartas que trocam por correspondência anônima.
Joe and Ethel Turp Call on the President
Joe and Ethel Turp are up in arms when their faithful old mailman is fired. Unable to get satisfaction on a municipal level, Joe and Ethel plead their mailman's case to the President himself.
Nina Yakushova (Greta Garbo), comissária do governo soviético, é mandada a Paris para averiguar o comportamento de três representantes do governo que têm como missão negociar uma jóia. Aos poucos sucumbe ao capitalismo e a Leon d'Algout (Melvyn Douglas), um galanteador francês que está apaixonado por ela.
O Filho de Tarzan
A young couple die in a plane crash in the jungle. Their son is found by Tarzan and Jane who name him Boy and raise him as their own. Five years later a search party comes to find the young heir to millions of dollars. Jane agrees, against Tarzan's will, to lead them to civilization.