Poppy Field follows the struggle of a young Romanian gendarme, Cristi, who tries to find the balance between two apparently opposing parts of his identity: that of a man working in a macho hierarchical environment and that of a closeted gay person who tries to keep his personal life a secret. While his long-distance French boyfriend, Hadi, is visiting him, Cristi is called in for an intervention at a movie theatre, where an ultra-nationalist, homophobic group has interrupted the screening of a queer film. After one of the protesters threatens to out him, Cristi spirals out of control.
1968, The Socialist Republic of Romania. Women catch up on the latest tendencies in beachwear, the young hippies of Hamburg are harshly criticized by Romanian students, while Nicolae Ceaușescu reads the famous defiance speech against the intervention of the Warsaw Pact troops in Czechoslovakia. Floating solemnly over all this is The Internationale, sung on a stadium by a crowd of pioneers dressed in white shirts and red ties. A certainty for each probability: the documentary is at the same time a history lesson and an ideological warning sign, the director’s endeavour permanently draws our attention to the functions of the propaganda film, yet without tarnishing the fascination that dwells in the core of the images, that of the figures that wave at us from a past buried in commonplaces and political parti pris.
The life and death of socialist architectural monsters. An epic fairy-tale in five chapters.
Algumas semanas depois que sua esposa Ioana morre em um acidente de carro, bêbado e sozinho na noite em que ele completar 42 anos, Alexandru recebe uma visita. Sebastian, um homem tímido e mais jovem, é amante de Ioana nos últimos cinco meses. Sebastian tem um pedido ultrajante: ele quer Alexandru para ajudá-lo a superar o desespero causado pela morte de Ioana.
Every year Mihai carries his motorcycle in his tenth floor apartment during the winter and bring it back downstairs in spring with the help of his friends. But this year Mihai finds out how fragile friendships can become.
A partir de vídeos oficiais e privados, idealizados pelo próprio ditador romeno, o realizador traça um percurso da ascensão e queda de Nicolae Ceausescu.
Delegated Producer
Esta celebração sofre uma reviravolta invulgar quando a morte do líder soviético José Estaline marca o casamento de um jovem casal romeno com um luto silencioso.
Executive Producer
A young TV reporter would like to shoot a program about a former political prisoner nicknamed The Pharaoh, who spent forty years in Siberian exile. She manages to locate a former lover, his sister, and his onetime cellmate, but questions still remain...
Executive Producer
Founded by German ethnics, Lindenfeld has been a prosperous settlement. Today, there are only three inhabitants left with their hates and hopes.
Assistant Editor
Videograms of a Revolution is a 1992 documentary film compiled by Harun Farocki and Andrei Ujică from over 125 hours of amateur footage, news footage, and excerpts from the Bucharest TV studio overtaken by demonstrators as part of the December 1989 Romanian Revolution.
Assistant Director
Videograms of a Revolution is a 1992 documentary film compiled by Harun Farocki and Andrei Ujică from over 125 hours of amateur footage, news footage, and excerpts from the Bucharest TV studio overtaken by demonstrators as part of the December 1989 Romanian Revolution.
A love story between a worker and an architecture student from a well to do family that has to overcome prejudice.