Dick Simmons
Nascimento : 1913-08-19, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Morte : 2003-01-11
Richard Simmons was an American actor. He played a number of minor parts in MGM movies but finally achieved a degree of fame in the mid-1950s when he starred in the half-hour syndicated TV series, Sergeant Preston of the Yukon (1955).
A U.S. Senator is spirited away to a secret New Mexico medical lab after a serious car crash. His injuries are completely healed by a secret organization that has developed advanced medical technology. What does the organization want in exchange for saving his life? Meanwhile, a reporter who witnessed the accident decides to investigate the senator's disappearance.
Big Jim é morto durante a festa de seu aniversário. Imediatamente, o rival Guy Gisbourne declara-se chefe dos gângsteres. Robbo, chefe da gangue do outro lado da cidade, está disposto a apoiar Guy, desde que este abandone seu território. Guy não aceita e quando Little John junta-se a Robbo, explode a guerra entre os dois bandos, o que resulta na destruição dos nightclubs de ambos os lados. Ao mesmo tempo, Marian, filha de Big Jim, oferece 50 mil dólares a Robbo para que ele encontre quem matou seu pai. Robbo pede ao capanga Will que se livre do dinheiro, então Will o repassa a Allen A. Dale, diretor de um orfanato. Allen chama a imprensa e transforma Robbo em celebridade, o Robin Hood de Chicago. Robbo, apaixonado por Marian, manda ela abandonar a cidade depois que descobre que ela e Little John usam uma entidade filantrópica como fachada para falsificações. Marian, ao invés de cair fora, junta-se a Guy e propõe a ele liquidar tanto Robbo quanto Little Joe.
Col. William Collingwood (as Richard Simmons)
Mike, Chip, and Larry are three lusty, brawling U. S. Cavalry sergeants stationed in Indian Territory in 1870.
Producer / Benefactor (uncredited)
Esther Blodgett (Judy Garland) é uma sonhadora artista que deseja se tornar uma grande estrela do cinema americano. Seu sonho se torna realidade quando ela conhece o astro de Hollywood Norman Maine, e os dois se apaixonam. Depois de um tempo, eles se casam, e a carreira de Esther começa realmente a decolar, e ela passa a ser chamada pelo nome artístico de Vicky Lester. Só que enquanto sua fama aumenta, seu marido está cada vez mais decadente e afundado no álcool, o que começa a abalar a carreira da esposa. Segunda versão da clássica história e primeiro filme colorido do diretor George Cukor.
Man with Miss Torso (uncredited)
Em Greenwich Village, Nova York, L.B. Jeffries, um fotógrafo profissional, está de molho em seu apartamento por ter quebrado a perna enquanto trabalhava. Como não tem muito o que fazer, fica bisbilhotando a vida dos seus vizinhos com um binóculo. Porém vê algumas coisas que o fazem suspeitar que um assassinato foi cometido.
Jerry Randall / El Latigo (as Richard Simmons)
Saloon owner Barnet wants the Indian reservation land on which he knows there is gold, and organizes a gang, aided by some renegade Indians, to raid and terrorize close-by settlers,hoping to arouse them to drive off the Indians. Rancher Jerry Randall, accompanied by school teacher Nancy Cooper, sets out to defeat the plot. In order to win the loyalty of the innocent tribe members, Randall masquerades as a legendary friend of the Indians, El Latigo.
Col. Wolf Schuller
A Korean War film with a secondary plot of the training of South Korean pilots, to fly fighters in air defense, by American Air Force instructors,led by Major Brady, a famed and skilled-but-grounded pilot, assigned to the Kongku base.
Tommy Metcalf
In this war drama, set during the Korean War, an Air Force nurse gets involved in a love triangle on the front lines.
Master of Ceremonies (uncredited)
A singer and her apartment manager get mixed up in a creepy Park Avenue murder and find themselves facing danger at every turn.
Capt. Robert A. Lewis (Co-Pilot, Enola Gay)
em 1945 no final da segunda guerra mundial, o coronrl pal tibbets recebe uma missao missao especial: a de testar um novo bombardeio, o boeing b-29 superfortress. o que deixa a sua esposa lucy preocupada.
Communicator (Vancouver Radio)
A man (Howard Keel), his wife (Jane Greer) and his famous-aviator ex-wife (Patricia Medina) search for their two children lost with a cougar.
Dunning Foster (as Richard Simmons)
The life and career of famed American composer Stephen Foster.
A New Orleans boxer backs out of a bout and leaves his girlfriend for Korea.
Egbert 'Bert' Van Alstyne (uncredited)
Em Chicago, o aspirante a compositor Gus Kahn (Danny Thomas) procura Miss Grace LeBoy (Doris Day) que trabalha em uma editora de partituras e mostra suas letras esperando sua avaliação. O insistente Gus chama a atenção de Grace e logo ela sai de seu emprego para ajudá-lo em sua carreira. Eles se casam, Gus Kahn atinge o estrelato e eles têm dois filhos. No entanto, Gus Kahn perde sua fortuna na crise da bolsa na Grande Depressão e o casal fica em sérias dificuldades financeiras. Mas por trás de todo grande homem, existe uma grande mulher e Grace o encoraja a regressar a uma carreira de sucesso.
Larry Moss (uncredited)
Seria preciso um milagre para a equipe de beisebol Pittsburgh Pirates ganhar a bandeira da vitória. Mas quando uma mocinha pede um milagre, sua adorada equipe começa ganhando - e ela acredita que está sendo ajudada pelos Anjos (que) Entram em Campo! As preces da jovem Bridgit White (Donna Corcoran) são ouvidas quando o Arcanjo Gabriel diz ao gerente combativo dos Pirates, Guffy McGovern (Paul Douglas), que começarão a acontecer milagres se McGovern prescindir de sua presidência. Agora, no que parece ser um milagre, os Pirates começam ganhando, mas a vida de McGovern começa a se complicar quando uma repórter de jornal ouve por acaso Bridgit dizendo que vê as formas angelicais do antigo grande jogador de beisebol ajudando os Pirates neste clássico deleitoso.
Mickey McClure
In a racially mixed American town, a five-year-old black girl falls unnoticed into a hidden, forgotten well on her way to school. Having nothing better to go on, the police follow up a report that the child was seen with a white stranger, and rumors run wild. Before hapless, innocent Claude Packard is even found, popular hysteria has him tried and convicted. But is he guilty?
Gordon N. Jessman
A young lawyer's primrose path to success gets him framed for murder.
Television Announcer
A killer holds the customers at a bar hostage.
Alec I. Collins
Ellen Hallit is in love with her playboy boss, Douglas Morrison, but is too timid to do anything about it. To help her, her roommate Chris decides to step in, and devises a plan. Chris follows Morrison on his trip to Sun Valley, Idaho and plays the overattentive female, hoping that he will send for Ellen (who often played his "fiancée" when he had a female he couldn't discourage otherwise.) Complications arise when Chris catches the eye of band leader Dick Layne, and finds herself caught in a triangle between the two men.
Henry Doran
Musical biography of Marilyn Miller, who overcame heartache to become a Broadway star
George Blaine
A young navy lieutenant is brought in as technical adviser on a song-dance-and-swim film being made by screen star Rosalind Reynolds. Having once done a number with her at a Forces show, the young lad somehow believes she should be his girl. Her boyfriend is just one of those disagreeing.
Mr. Harlow, Nelson's Secretary
Three young girls try to help their divorced mother find the right husband.
An ex-GI falls for a bathing beauty.
Gilfred I. Rogers
Maisie Revere, a showgirl stranded in Los Angeles, decides to join the local police department on the persuasion of Lieutenant Paul Scott who wants to use her as an undercover agent to expose a conman.
Dane Kittridge
Andy Hardy goes to college after serving in the war and finds his sweetheart is engaged to someone else.
Chris Lavery
Private eye Phillip Marlowe wants to get out of the detective racket and into crime writing. But when he's called to the office of editor Adrienne Fromsett, it's not to talk about his story ideas — she wants him to locate the missing wife of her boss, Mr. Kingsby. The assignment quickly becomes complicated when bodies start turning up
Henry Willoughby Claven
A small group of Allied soldiers and airmen on Java are being bombed by Japanese 'planes daily. With only one working fighter of their own, and five pilots anxious to fly it, the Dutch commander chooses George Collins to fly a mission to drop a 500-lb bomb on the Japanese carrier lying offshore. As the flight progresses, the commander asks the other pilots to tell him about George. They recount his rise from brilliant law student, through the time he became involved in the corrupt machine of his state's Governor, and his attempts to redeem himself, both in his own eyes, and in Fredie, his long-time love.
Douglas Sutton
Joan Lyons and her friend Patricia Drew are autograph hounds spending most of their day bumping into, and having tea, with the likes of Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon. Based on misinformation from a meddling old-maid governess, Miss Featherstone, Joan also devotes some time to working on the no-problem marriage of her parents to the extent of hiring Dr. Hercules, the strong man from a side show to pay attention to her mother in order to make her father jealous, despite the good advice received from Walter Pidgeon.
Captain Fred Avery
Acrobat Eddie Marsh is in the army now. His first act is to become friendly with Kathryn Jones, the colonel's pretty daughter. Their romance hits a few snags, including disapproval from her father. Eddie's also plagued by fear of having an accident during his family's trapeze act in the army variety show, which also features a gallery of MGM stars.
Lt. (jg) Royce
U. S. Navy Lieutenant Gregg Masterman, of The Harvard and Boston Back Bay Mastermans, learned about the sea while winning silver cups sailing his yacht. He climbs swiftly in rank, and is now Junior Aide to Rear Admiral Stephen Thomas.
Paul Brandt, George's Beau
Little Delft, Michigan follows the customs of old-world Holland and is known for its Tulip Festival. The owner of the hotel insists that his seven daughters marry in order, from eldest to youngest.
Red Cameron
Tom King Jr. seeks to discover who murdered his father, a Texas Ranger; the trail leads to a network of Axis spies.
Marching Soldier (uncredited)
Alvin Cullum York (Gary Cooper) vive é um soldado pacifista que terá que deixar suas crenças cristãs de lado para participar do front na Primeira Guerra Mundial. Vencedor do Oscar de Melhor Ator (Gary Cooper) e Melhor Montagem, indicado a outras nove categorias.
Cheated Gambler
Hoppy, Lucky and California search for a mine owned by Trudy Pendleton after it was taken from her by thw swindling gambler Ace Gibson. They find the mine and Hoppy fights Gibson over it.
Const. Carter
O canadense Tom Merritt descobriu uma substância que curará a paralisia infantil, que ele extrai de uma mina em Caribou, no Canadá. Um país em guerra com o Canadá descobre que a substância também contém propriedades magnéticas que tornarão suas minas efetivas contra a frota britânica e enviar um dos seus oficiais de inteligência para trabalhar disfarçado para garantir um fluxo constante da substância para a Pátria.
Shell Person
One Million B.C. is a 1940 American fantasy film produced by Hal Roach Studios and released by United Artists. It is also known by the titles Cave Man, Man and His Mate, and Tumak. The film stars Victor Mature as protagonist Tumak, a young cave man who strives to unite the uncivilized Rock Tribe and the peaceful Shell Tribe, Carole Landis as Loana, daughter of the Shell Tribe chief and Tumak's love interest, and Lon Chaney, Jr. as Tumak's stern father and leader of the Rock Tribe.
H4 Radio Operator (uncredited)
The final feature in the "Dead End Kids" film series finds a youth trying to adjust to life at a military school.
The son of a disgraced Olympic decathlete prepares to become a star in his own right. His quest is complicated by a beautiful girl and a bitter rival.